Source code for

"""Implementations for acquiring locations of new evidence for Bayesian optimization."""

import logging

import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as sl
import scipy.stats as ss

import elfi.methods.mcmc as mcmc
from import minimize
from elfi.methods.utils import resolve_sigmas

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class AcquisitionBase:
    """All acquisition functions are assumed to fulfill this interface.

    Gaussian noise ~N(0, self.noise_var) is added to the acquired points. By default,
    noise_var=0. You can define a different variance for the separate dimensions.


    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize AcquisitionBase.

        model : an object with attributes
                    input_dim : int
                    bounds : tuple of length 'input_dim' of tuples (min, max)
                and methods
                    evaluate(x) : function that returns model (mean, var, std)
        prior : scipy-like distribution, optional
            By default uniform distribution within model bounds.
        n_inits : int, optional
            Number of initialization points in internal optimization.
        max_opt_iters : int, optional
            Max iterations to optimize when finding the next point.
        noise_var : float or np.array, optional
            Acquisition noise variance for adding noise to the points near the optimized
            location. If array, must be 1d specifying the variance for different dimensions.
            Default: no added noise.
        exploration_rate : float, optional
            Exploration rate of the acquisition function (if supported)
        seed : int, optional
            Seed for getting consistent acquisition results. Used in getting random
            starting locations in acquisition function optimization.
        constraints : {Constraint, dict} or List of {Constraint, dict}, optional
            Additional model constraints.

        self.model = model
        self.prior = prior
        self.n_inits = int(n_inits)
        self.max_opt_iters = int(max_opt_iters)
        self.constraints = constraints
        if noise_var is not None:
            self.noise_var = self._transform_noise_var(noise_var)
            self.noise_var = noise_var
        self.exploration_rate = exploration_rate
        self.random_state = np.random if seed is None else np.random.RandomState(seed)
        self.seed = 0 if seed is None else seed

    def _check_noise_var(self, noise_var):
        if isinstance(noise_var, dict):
            if not set(noise_var) == set(self.model.parameter_names):
                raise ValueError("Acquisition noise dictionary should contain all parameters.")

            if not all(isinstance(x, (int, float)) for x in noise_var.values()):
                raise ValueError("Acquisition noise dictionary values "
                                 "should all be int or float.")

            if any([x < 0 for x in noise_var.values()]):
                raise ValueError("Acquisition noises values should all be "
                                 "non-negative int or float.")

        elif isinstance(noise_var, (int, float)):
            if noise_var < 0:
                raise ValueError("Acquisition noise should be non-negative int or float.")
            raise ValueError("Either acquisition noise is a float or "
                             "it is a dictionary of floats defining "
                             "variance for each parameter dimension.")

    def _transform_noise_var(self, noise_var):
        if isinstance(noise_var, (float, int)):
            return noise_var

        # return a sorted list of noise variances in the same order than
        # parameter_names of the model
        if isinstance(noise_var, dict):
            return list(map(noise_var.get, self.model.parameter_names))

    def evaluate(self, x, t=None):
        """Evaluate the acquisition function at 'x'.

        x : numpy.array
        t : int
            current iteration (starting from 0)

        raise NotImplementedError

    def evaluate_gradient(self, x, t=None):
        """Evaluate the gradient of acquisition function at 'x'.

        x : numpy.array
        t : int
            Current iteration (starting from 0).

        raise NotImplementedError

    def acquire(self, n, t=None):
        """Return the next batch of acquisition points.

        Gaussian noise ~N(0, self.noise_var) is added to the acquired points.

        n : int
            Number of acquisition points to return.
        t : int
            Current acq_batch_index (starting from 0).

        x : np.ndarray
            The shape is (n, input_dim)

        logger.debug('Acquiring the next batch of %d values', n)

        # Optimize the current minimum
        def obj(x):
            return self.evaluate(x, t)

        def grad_obj(x):
            return self.evaluate_gradient(x, t)

        xhat, _ = minimize(
            method='L-BFGS-B' if self.constraints is None else 'SLSQP',

        # Create n copies of the minimum
        x = np.tile(xhat, (n, 1))
        # Add noise for more efficient fitting of GP
        x = self._add_noise(x)

        return x

    def _add_noise(self, x):
        # Add noise for more efficient fitting of GP
        if self.noise_var is not None:
            noise_var = np.asanyarray(self.noise_var)
            if noise_var.ndim == 0:
                noise_var = np.tile(noise_var, self.model.input_dim)

            for i in range(self.model.input_dim):
                std = np.sqrt(noise_var[i])
                if std == 0:
                xi = x[:, i]
                a = (self.model.bounds[i][0] - xi) / std
                b = (self.model.bounds[i][1] - xi) / std
                x[:, i] = ss.truncnorm.rvs(
                    a, b, loc=xi, scale=std, size=len(x), random_state=self.random_state)

        return x

[docs]class LCBSC(AcquisitionBase): r"""Lower Confidence Bound Selection Criterion. Srinivas et al. call this GP-LCB. LCBSC uses the parameter delta which is here equivalent to 1/exploration_rate. Parameter delta should be in (0, 1) for the theoretical results to hold. The theoretical upper bound for total regret in Srinivas et al. has a probability greater or equal to 1 - delta, so values of delta very close to 1 or over it do not make much sense in that respect. Delta is roughly the exploitation tendency of the acquisition function. References ---------- N. Srinivas, A. Krause, S. M. Kakade, and M. Seeger. Gaussian process optimization in the bandit setting: No regret and experimental design. In Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2010 E. Brochu, V.M. Cora, and N. de Freitas. A tutorial on Bayesian optimization of expensive cost functions, with application to active user modeling and hierarchical reinforcement learning. arXiv:1012.2599, 2010. Notes ----- The formula presented in Brochu (pp. 15) seems to be from Srinivas et al. Theorem 2. However, instead of having t**(d/2 + 2) in \beta_t, it seems that the correct form would be t**(2d + 2). """ def __init__(self, *args, delta=None, **kwargs): """Initialize LCBSC. Parameters ---------- delta: float, optional In between (0, 1). Default is 1/exploration_rate. If given, overrides the exploration_rate. """ if delta is not None: if delta <= 0 or delta >= 1: logger.warning('Parameter delta should be in the interval (0,1)') kwargs['exploration_rate'] = 1 / delta super(LCBSC, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = 'lcbsc' self.label_fn = 'Confidence Bound' @property def delta(self): """Return the inverse of exploration rate.""" return 1 / self.exploration_rate def _beta(self, t): # Start from 0 t += 1 d = self.model.input_dim return 2 * np.log(t**(2 * d + 2) * np.pi**2 / (3 *
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, t=None): """Evaluate the Lower confidence bound selection criterion. Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray t: int, optional Current iteration (starting from 0). Returns ------- np.ndarray """ mean, var = self.model.predict(x, noiseless=True) value = mean - np.sqrt(self._beta(t) * var) return value
[docs] def evaluate_gradient(self, x, t=None): """Evaluate the gradient of the lower confidence bound selection criterion. Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray t: int, optional Current iteration (starting from 0). Returns ------- np.ndarray """ mean, var = self.model.predict(x, noiseless=True) grad_mean, grad_var = self.model.predictive_gradients(x) value = grad_mean - 0.5 * grad_var * np.sqrt(self._beta(t) / var) return value
[docs]class MaxVar(AcquisitionBase): r"""The maximum variance acquisition method. The next evaluation point is acquired in the maximiser of the variance of the unnormalised approximate posterior. .. math:: \theta_{t+1} = \arg \max \text{Var}(p(\theta) \cdot p_a(\theta)), where the unnormalised likelihood :math:`p_a` is defined using the CDF of normal distribution, :math:`\Phi`, as follows: .. math:: p_a(\theta) = \Phi((\epsilon - \mu_{1:t}(\theta)) / \sqrt{v_{1:t}(\theta) + \sigma^2_n}), where \epsilon is the ABC threshold, :math:`\mu_{1:t}` and :math:`v_{1:t}` are determined by the Gaussian process, :math:`\sigma^2_n` is the noise. References ---------- Järvenpää et al. (2019). Efficient Acquisition Rules for Model-Based Approximate Bayesian Computation. Bayesian Analysis 14(2):595-622, 2019 """ def __init__(self, model, prior, quantile_eps=.01, **opts): """Initialise MaxVar. Parameters ---------- model : elfi.GPyRegression Gaussian process model used to calculate the unnormalised approximate likelihood. prior : scipy-like distribution Prior distribution. quantile_eps : int, optional Quantile of the observed discrepancies used in setting the ABC threshold. """ super(MaxVar, self).__init__(model, prior=prior, **opts) = 'max_var' self.label_fn = 'Variance of the Unnormalised Approximate Posterior' self.quantile_eps = quantile_eps # The ABC threshold is initialised to a pre-set value as the gp is not yet fit. self.eps = .1
[docs] def acquire(self, n, t=None): """Acquire a batch of acquisition points. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of acquisitions. t : int, optional Current iteration, (unused). Returns ------- array_like Coordinates of the yielded acquisition points. """ logger.debug('Acquiring the next batch of %d values', n) gp = self.model # Updating the ABC threshold. self.eps = np.percentile(gp.Y, self.quantile_eps * 100) def _negate_eval(theta): return -self.evaluate(theta) def _negate_eval_grad(theta): return -self.evaluate_gradient(theta) # Obtaining the location where the variance is maximised. theta_max, _ = minimize(_negate_eval, gp.bounds, grad=_negate_eval_grad, prior=self.prior, n_start_points=self.n_inits, maxiter=self.max_opt_iters, random_state=self.random_state) # Using the same location for all points in theta batch. batch_theta = np.tile(theta_max, (n, 1)) return batch_theta
[docs] def evaluate(self, theta_new, t=None): """Evaluate the acquisition function at the location theta_new. Parameters ---------- theta_new : array_like Evaluation coordinates. t : int, optional Current iteration, (unused). Returns ------- array_like Variance of the approximate posterior. """ mean, var = self.model.predict(theta_new, noiseless=True) sigma2_n = self.model.noise # Using the cdf of Skewnorm to avoid explicit Owen's T computation. a = np.sqrt(sigma2_n) / np.sqrt(sigma2_n + 2. * var) # Skewness. scale = np.sqrt(sigma2_n + var) phi_skew = ss.skewnorm.cdf(self.eps, a, loc=mean, scale=scale) phi_norm = ss.norm.cdf(self.eps, loc=mean, scale=scale) var_p_a = phi_skew - phi_norm**2 val_prior = self.prior.pdf(theta_new).ravel()[:, np.newaxis] var_approx_posterior = val_prior**2 * var_p_a return var_approx_posterior
[docs] def evaluate_gradient(self, theta_new, t=None): """Evaluate the acquisition function's gradient at the location theta_new. Parameters ---------- theta_new : array_like Evaluation coordinates. t : int, optional Current iteration, (unused). Returns ------- array_like Gradient of the variance of the approximate posterior """ phi = ss.norm.cdf mean, var = self.model.predict(theta_new, noiseless=True) grad_mean, grad_var = self.model.predictive_gradients(theta_new) sigma2_n = self.model.noise scale = np.sqrt(sigma2_n + var) a = (self.eps - mean) / scale b = np.sqrt(sigma2_n) / np.sqrt(sigma2_n + 2 * var) grad_a = (-1. / scale) * grad_mean - \ ((self.eps - mean) / (2. * (sigma2_n + var)**(1.5))) * grad_var grad_b = (-np.sqrt(sigma2_n) / (sigma2_n + 2 * var)**(1.5)) * grad_var _phi_a = phi(a) int_1 = _phi_a - _phi_a**2 int_2 = phi(self.eps, loc=mean, scale=scale) \ - ss.skewnorm.cdf(self.eps, b, loc=mean, scale=scale) grad_int_1 = (1. - 2 * _phi_a) * \ (np.exp(-.5 * (a**2)) / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)) * grad_a grad_int_2 = (1. / np.pi) * \ (((np.exp(-.5 * (a**2) * (1. + b**2))) / (1. + b**2)) * grad_b + (np.sqrt(np.pi / 2.) * np.exp(-.5 * (a**2)) * (1. - 2. * phi(a * b)) * grad_a)) # Obtaining the gradient prior by applying the following rule: # (log f(x))' = f'(x)/f(x) => f'(x) = (log f(x))' * f(x) term_prior = self.prior.pdf(theta_new).ravel()[:, np.newaxis] grad_prior_log = self.prior.gradient_logpdf(theta_new) term_grad_prior = term_prior * grad_prior_log gradient = 2. * term_prior * (int_1 - int_2) * term_grad_prior + \ term_prior**2 * (grad_int_1 - grad_int_2) return gradient
[docs]class RandMaxVar(MaxVar): r"""The randomised maximum variance acquisition method. The next evaluation point is sampled from the density corresponding to the variance of the unnormalised approximate posterior (The MaxVar acquisition function). .. math:: \theta_{t+1} \thicksim q(\theta), where :math:`q(\theta) \propto \text{Var}(p(\theta) \cdot p_a(\theta))` and the unnormalised likelihood :math:`p_a` is defined using the CDF of normal distribution, :math:`\Phi`, as follows: .. math:: p_a(\theta) = \Phi((\epsilon - \mu_{1:t}(\theta)) / \sqrt{v_{1:t}(\theta) + \sigma^2_n} ), where :math:`\epsilon` is the ABC threshold, :math:`\mu_{1:t}` and :math:`v_{1:t}` are determined by the Gaussian process, :math:`\sigma^2_n` is the noise. References ---------- Järvenpää et al. (2019). Efficient Acquisition Rules for Model-Based Approximate Bayesian Computation. Bayesian Analysis 14(2):595-622, 2019 """ def __init__(self, model, prior, quantile_eps=.01, sampler='nuts', n_samples=50, warmup=None, limit_faulty_init=1000, init_from_prior=False, sigma_proposals=None, **opts): """Initialise RandMaxVar. Parameters ---------- model : elfi.GPyRegression Gaussian process model used to calculate the unnormalised approximate likelihood. prior : scipy-like distribution Prior distribution. quantile_eps : int, optional Quantile of the observed discrepancies used in setting the ABC threshold. sampler : string, optional Name of the sampler (options: metropolis, nuts). n_samples : int, optional Length of the sampler's chain for obtaining the acquisitions. warmup : int, optional Number of samples discarded as warmup. Defaults to n_samples/2. limit_faulty_init : int, optional Limit for the iterations used to obtain the sampler's initial points. init_from_prior : bool, optional Controls whether the sampler's initial points are sampled from the prior or a uniform distribution within model bounds. Defaults to model bounds. sigma_proposals : dict, optional Standard deviations for Gaussian proposals of each parameter for Metropolis Markov Chain sampler. Defaults to 1/10 of surrogate model bound lengths. """ super(RandMaxVar, self).__init__(model, prior, quantile_eps, **opts) = 'rand_max_var' self.name_sampler = sampler self._n_samples = n_samples self._warmup = warmup or n_samples // 2 self._limit_faulty_init = limit_faulty_init self._init_from_prior = init_from_prior if self.name_sampler == 'metropolis': self._sigma_proposals = resolve_sigmas(self.model.parameter_names, sigma_proposals, self.model.bounds)
[docs] def acquire(self, n, t=None): """Acquire a batch of acquisition points. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of acquisitions. t : int, optional Current iteration, (unused). Returns ------- array_like Coordinates of the yielded acquisition points. """ if n > self._n_samples: raise ValueError(("The number of acquisitions ({0}) has to be lower than the number " "of the samples ({1}).").format(n, self._n_samples - self._warmup)) logger.debug('Acquiring the next batch of %d values', n) gp = self.model # Updating the ABC threshold. self.eps = np.percentile(gp.Y, self.quantile_eps * 100) def _evaluate_gradient_logpdf(theta): denominator = self.evaluate(theta) if denominator == 0: return -np.inf pt_eval = self.evaluate_gradient(theta) / denominator return pt_eval.ravel() def _evaluate_logpdf(theta): val_pdf = self.evaluate(theta) if val_pdf == 0: return -np.inf return np.log(val_pdf) batch_theta = np.zeros(shape=len(gp.bounds)) # Obtaining the RandMaxVar acquisition. for i in range(self._limit_faulty_init + 1): if i == self._limit_faulty_init: raise SystemExit("Unable to find a suitable initial point.") # Proposing the initial point. if self._init_from_prior: theta_init = self.prior.rvs(random_state=self.random_state) for idx_param, bound in enumerate(gp.bounds): theta_init[idx_param] = np.clip(theta_init[idx_param], bound[0], bound[1]) else: theta_init = np.zeros(shape=len(gp.bounds)) for idx_param, bound in enumerate(gp.bounds): theta_init[idx_param] = self.random_state.uniform(bound[0], bound[1]) # Refusing to accept a faulty initial point. if np.isinf(_evaluate_logpdf(theta_init)): continue # Sampling the acquisition using the chosen sampler. if self.name_sampler == 'metropolis': samples = mcmc.metropolis(self._n_samples, theta_init, _evaluate_logpdf, sigma_proposals=self._sigma_proposals, seed=self.seed) elif self.name_sampler == 'nuts': samples = mcmc.nuts(self._n_samples, theta_init, _evaluate_logpdf, _evaluate_gradient_logpdf, seed=self.seed) else: raise ValueError( "Incompatible sampler. Please check the options in the documentation.") if n > 1: # Remove warmup samples and return n random points samples = samples[self._warmup:] batch_theta = self.random_state.permutation(samples)[:n] else: # Return the last point batch_theta = samples[-1:] break return batch_theta
[docs]class ExpIntVar(MaxVar): r"""The Expected Integrated Variance (ExpIntVar) acquisition method. Essentially, we define a loss function that measures the overall uncertainty in the unnormalised ABC posterior over the parameter space. The value of the loss function depends on the next simulation and thus the next evaluation location :math:`\theta^*` is chosen to minimise the expected loss. .. math:: \theta_{t+1} = arg min_{\theta^* \in \Theta} L_{1:t}(\theta^*), where :math:`\Theta` is the parameter space, and :math:`L` is the expected loss function approximated as follows: .. math:: L_{1:t}(\theta^*) \approx 2 * \sum_{i=1}^s (\omega^i \cdot p^2(\theta^i) \cdot w_{1:t+1}(\theta^i, \theta^*), where :math:`\omega^i` is an importance weight, :math:`p^2(\theta^i)` is the prior squared, and :math:`w_{1:t+1}(\theta^i, \theta^*)` is the expected variance of the unnormalised ABC posterior at \theta^i after running the simulation model with parameter :math:`\theta^*` References ---------- Järvenpää et al. (2019). Efficient Acquisition Rules for Model-Based Approximate Bayesian Computation. Bayesian Analysis 14(2):595-622, 2019 """ def __init__(self, model, prior, quantile_eps=.01, integration='grid', d_grid=.2, n_samples_imp=100, iter_imp=2, sampler='nuts', n_samples=2000, sigma_proposals=None, **opts): """Initialise ExpIntVar. Parameters ---------- model : elfi.GPyRegression Gaussian process model used to calculate the approximate unnormalised likelihood. prior : scipy-like distribution Prior distribution. quantile_eps : int, optional Quantile of the observed discrepancies used in setting the discrepancy threshold. integration : str, optional Integration method. Options: - grid (points are taken uniformly): more accurate yet computationally expensive in high dimensions; - importance (points are taken based on the importance weight): less accurate though applicable in high dimensions. d_grid : float, optional Grid tightness. n_samples_imp : int, optional Number of importance samples. iter_imp : int, optional Gap between acquisition iterations in performing importance sampling. sampler : string, optional Sampler for generating random numbers from the proposal distribution for IS. (Options: metropolis, nuts.) n_samples : int, optional Chain length for the sampler that generates the random numbers from the proposal distribution for IS. sigma_proposals : dict, optional Standard deviations for Gaussian proposals of each parameter for Metropolis Markov Chain sampler. Defaults to 1/10 of surrogate model bound lengths. """ super(ExpIntVar, self).__init__(model, prior, quantile_eps, **opts) = 'exp_int_var' self.label_fn = 'Expected Loss' self._integration = integration self._n_samples_imp = n_samples_imp self._iter_imp = iter_imp if self._integration == 'importance': self.density_is = RandMaxVar(model=self.model, prior=self.prior, n_inits=self.n_inits, seed=self.seed, quantile_eps=self.quantile_eps, sampler=sampler, n_samples=n_samples, sigma_proposals=sigma_proposals) elif self._integration == 'grid': grid_param = [slice(b[0], b[1], d_grid) for b in self.model.bounds] self.points_int = np.mgrid[grid_param].reshape(len(self.model.bounds), -1).T
[docs] def acquire(self, n, t): """Acquire a batch of acquisition points. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of acquisitions. t : int Current iteration. Returns ------- array_like Coordinates of the yielded acquisition points. """ logger.debug('Acquiring the next batch of %d values', n) gp = self.model self.sigma2_n = gp.noise # Updating the discrepancy threshold. self.eps = np.percentile(gp.Y, self.quantile_eps * 100) # Performing the importance sampling step every self._iter_imp iterations. if self._integration == 'importance' and t % self._iter_imp == 0: self.points_int = self.density_is.acquire(self._n_samples_imp) # Obtaining the omegas_int and priors_int terms to be used in the evaluate function. self.mean_int, self.var_int = gp.predict(self.points_int, noiseless=True) self.priors_int = (self.prior.pdf(self.points_int)**2)[np.newaxis, :] if self._integration == 'importance' and t % self._iter_imp == 0: omegas_int_unnormalised = (1 / MaxVar.evaluate(self, self.points_int)).T self.omegas_int = omegas_int_unnormalised / \ np.sum(omegas_int_unnormalised, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] elif self._integration == 'grid': self.omegas_int = np.empty(len(self.points_int)) self.omegas_int.fill(1 / len(self.points_int)) # Initialising the attributes used in the evaluate function. self.thetas_old = np.array(gp.X) self._K = gp._gp.kern.K self.K = self._K(self.thetas_old, self.thetas_old) + \ self.sigma2_n * np.identity(self.thetas_old.shape[0]) self.k_int_old = self._K(self.points_int, self.thetas_old).T self.phi_int = ss.norm.cdf(self.eps, loc=self.mean_int.T, scale=np.sqrt(self.sigma2_n + self.var_int.T)) # Obtaining the location where the expected loss is minimised. # Note: The gradient is computed numerically as GPy currently does not # directly provide the derivative computations used in Järvenpää et al., 2017. theta_min, _ = minimize(self.evaluate, gp.bounds, grad=None, prior=self.prior, n_start_points=self.n_inits, maxiter=self.max_opt_iters, random_state=self.random_state) # Using the same location for all points in the batch. batch_theta = np.tile(theta_min, (n, 1)) return batch_theta
[docs] def evaluate(self, theta_new, t=None): """Evaluate the acquisition function at the location theta_new. Parameters ---------- theta_new : array_like Evaluation coordinates. t : int, optional Current iteration, (unused). Returns ------- array_like Expected loss's term dependent on theta_new. """ gp = self.model n_dim = self.points_int.shape # Alter the shape of theta_new. if n_dim != 1 and theta_new.ndim == 1: theta_new = theta_new[np.newaxis, :] elif n_dim == 1 and theta_new.ndim == 1: theta_new = theta_new[:, np.newaxis] # Calculate the integrand term w. # Note: w's second term (given in Järvenpää et al., 2017) is dismissed # because it is constant with respect to theta_new. _, var_new = gp.predict(theta_new, noiseless=True) k_old_new = self._K(self.thetas_old, theta_new) k_int_new = self._K(self.points_int, theta_new).T # Using the Cholesky factorisation to avoid computing matrix inverse. term_chol = sl.cho_solve(sl.cho_factor(self.K), k_old_new) cov_int = k_int_new -, term_chol).T delta_var_int = cov_int**2 / (self.sigma2_n + var_new) a = np.sqrt((self.sigma2_n + self.var_int.T - delta_var_int) / (self.sigma2_n + self.var_int.T + delta_var_int)) # Using the skewnorm's cdf to substitute the Owen's T function. phi_skew_imp = ss.skewnorm.cdf(self.eps, a, loc=self.mean_int.T, scale=np.sqrt(self.sigma2_n + self.var_int.T)) w = ((self.phi_int - phi_skew_imp) / 2) loss_theta_new = 2 * np.sum(self.omegas_int * self.priors_int * w, axis=1) loss_theta_new = np.where(self.prior.pdf(theta_new) == 0, np.finfo(float).max, loss_theta_new) return loss_theta_new
[docs]class UniformAcquisition(AcquisitionBase): """Acquisition from uniform distribution."""
[docs] def acquire(self, n, t=None): """Return random points from uniform distribution. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of acquisition points to return. t : int, optional (unused) Returns ------- x : np.ndarray The shape is (n, input_dim) """ bounds = np.stack(self.model.bounds) return ss.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]) \ .rvs(size=(n, self.model.input_dim), random_state=self.random_state)