"""Methods for ABC diagnostics."""
import logging
from itertools import combinations
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.special import digamma, gamma
import elfi
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class TwoStageSelection:
"""Perform the summary-statistics selection proposed by Nunes and Balding (2010).
The user can provide a list of summary statistics as list_ss, and let ELFI to combine them,
or provide some already combined summary statistics as prepared_ss.
The rationale of the Two Stage procedure procedure is the following:
- First, the module computes or accepts the combinations of the candidate summary statistics.
- In Stage 1, each summary-statistics combination is evaluated using the
Minimum Entropy algorithm.
- In Stage 2, the minimum-entropy combination is selected,
and the 'closest' datasets are identified.
- Further in Stage 2, for each summary-statistics combination,
the mean root sum of squared errors (MRSSE) is calculated over all 'closest datasets',
and the minimum-MRSSE combination is chosen as the one with the optimal performance.
[1] Nunes, M. A., & Balding, D. J. (2010).
On optimal selection of summary statistics for approximate Bayesian computation.
Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology, 9(1).
[2] Blum, M. G., Nunes, M. A., Prangle, D., & Sisson, S. A. (2013).
A comparative review of dimension reduction methods in approximate Bayesian computation.
Statistical Science, 28(2), 189-208.
def __init__(self, simulator, fn_distance, list_ss=None, prepared_ss=None,
max_cardinality=4, seed=0):
"""Initialise the summary-statistics selection for the Two Stage Procedure.
simulator : elfi.Node
Node (often elfi.Simulator) for which the summary statistics will be applied.
The node is the final node of a coherent ElfiModel (i.e. it has no child nodes).
fn_distance : str or callable function
Distance metric, consult the elfi.Distance documentation for calling as a string.
list_ss : List of callable functions, optional
List of candidate summary statistics.
prepared_ss : List of lists of callable functions, optional
List of prepared combinations of candidate summary statistics.
No other combinations will be evaluated.
max_cardinality : int, optional
Maximum cardinality of a candidate summary-statistics combination.
seed : int, optional
if list_ss is None and prepared_ss is None:
raise ValueError('No summary statistics to assess.')
self.simulator = simulator
self.fn_distance = fn_distance
self.seed = seed
if prepared_ss is not None:
self.ss_candidates = prepared_ss
self.ss_candidates = self._combine_ss(list_ss, max_cardinality=max_cardinality)
# Initialising an output pool as the rejection sampling will be used several times.
self.pool = elfi.OutputPool(simulator.name)
def _combine_ss(self, list_ss, max_cardinality):
"""Create all combinations of the summary statistics up till the maximum cardinality.
list_ss : List of callable functions
List of candidate summary statistics.
max_cardinality : int
Maximum cardinality of a candidate summary-statistics combination.
Combinations of candidate summary statistics.
if max_cardinality > len(list_ss):
max_cardinality = len(list_ss)
# Combine the candidate summary statistics.
combinations_ss = []
for i in range(max_cardinality):
for combination in combinations(list_ss, i + 1):
return combinations_ss
[docs] def run(self, n_sim, n_acc=None, n_closest=None, batch_size=1, k=4):
"""Run the Two Stage Procedure for identifying relevant summary statistics.
n_sim : int
Number of the total ABC-rejection simulations.
n_acc : int, optional
Number of the accepted ABC-rejection simulations.
n_closest : int, optional
Number of the 'closest' datasets
(i.e., the closest n simulation datasets w.r.t the observations).
batch_size : int, optional
Number of samples per batch.
k : int, optional
Parameter for the kth-nearest-neighbour search performed in the minimum-entropy step
(in Nunes & Balding, 2010 it is fixed to 4).
Summary-statistics combination showing the optimal performance.
# Setting the default value of n_acc to the .01 quantile of n_sim,
# and n_closest to the .01 quantile of n_acc as in Nunes and Balding (2010).
if n_acc is None:
n_acc = int(n_sim / 100)
if n_closest is None:
n_closest = int(n_acc / 100)
if n_sim < n_acc or n_acc < n_closest or n_closest == 0:
raise ValueError("The number of simulations is too small.")
# Find the summary-statistics combination with the minimum entropy, and
# preserve the parameters (thetas) corresponding to the `closest' datasets.
thetas = {}
E_me = np.inf
names_ss_me = []
for set_ss in self.ss_candidates:
names_ss = [ss.__name__ for ss in set_ss]
thetas_ss = self._obtain_accepted_thetas(set_ss, n_sim, n_acc, batch_size)
thetas[set_ss] = thetas_ss
E_ss = self._calc_entropy(thetas_ss, n_acc, k)
# If equal, dismiss the combination which contains uninformative summary statistics.
if (E_ss == E_me and (len(names_ss_me) > len(names_ss))) or E_ss < E_me:
E_me = E_ss
names_ss_me = names_ss
thetas_closest = thetas_ss[:n_closest]
logger.info('Combination %s shows the entropy of %f' % (names_ss, E_ss))
# Note: entropy is in the log space (negative values allowed).
logger.info('\nThe minimum entropy of %f was found in %s.\n' % (E_me, names_ss_me))
# Find the summary-statistics combination with
# the minimum mean root sum of squared error (MRSSE).
MRSSE_min = np.inf
names_ss_MRSSE = []
for set_ss in self.ss_candidates:
names_ss = [ss.__name__ for ss in set_ss]
MRSSE_ss = self._calc_MRSSE(set_ss, thetas_closest, thetas[set_ss])
# If equal, dismiss the combination which contains uninformative summary statistics.
if (MRSSE_ss == MRSSE_min and (len(names_ss_MRSSE) > len(names_ss))) \
or MRSSE_ss < MRSSE_min:
MRSSE_min = MRSSE_ss
names_ss_MRSSE = names_ss
set_ss_2stage = set_ss
logger.info('Combination %s shows the MRSSE of %f' % (names_ss, MRSSE_ss))
logger.info('\nThe minimum MRSSE of %f was found in %s.' % (MRSSE_min, names_ss_MRSSE))
return set_ss_2stage
def _obtain_accepted_thetas(self, set_ss, n_sim, n_acc, batch_size):
"""Perform the ABC-rejection sampling and identify `closest' parameters.
The sampling is performed using the initialised simulator.
set_ss : List
Summary-statistics combination to be used in the rejection sampling.
n_sim : int
Number of the iterations of the rejection sampling.
n_acc : int
Number of the accepted parameters.
batch_size : int
Number of samples per batch.
Accepted parameters.
# Initialise the distance function.
m = self.simulator.model.copy()
list_ss = []
for ss in set_ss:
list_ss.append(elfi.Summary(ss, m[self.simulator.name], model=m))
if isinstance(self.fn_distance, str):
d = elfi.Distance(self.fn_distance, *list_ss, model=m)
d = elfi.Discrepancy(self.fn_distance, *list_ss, model=m)
# Run the simulations.
# TODO: include different distance functions in the summary-statistics combinations.
sampler_rejection = elfi.Rejection(d, batch_size=batch_size,
seed=self.seed, pool=self.pool)
result = sampler_rejection.sample(n_acc, n_sim=n_sim)
# Extract the accepted parameters.
thetas_acc = result.samples_array
return thetas_acc
def _calc_entropy(self, thetas_ss, n_acc, k):
"""Calculate the entropy as described in Nunes & Balding, 2010.
E = log( pi^(q/2) / gamma(q/2+1) ) - digamma(k) + log(n)
+ q/n * sum_{i=1}^n( log(R_{i, k}) ), where
R_{i, k} is the Euclidean distance from the parameter theta_i to
its kth nearest neighbour;
q is the dimensionality of the parameter; and
n is the number of the accepted parameters n_acc in the rejection sampling.
thetas_ss : array_like
Parameters accepted upon the rejection sampling using
the summary-statistics combination ss.
n_acc : int
Number of the accepted parameters.
k : int
Nearest neighbour to be searched.
q = thetas_ss.shape[1]
# Calculate the distance to the kth nearest neighbour across all accepted parameters.
searcher_knn = cKDTree(thetas_ss)
sum_log_dist_knn = 0
for theta_ss in thetas_ss:
dist_knn = searcher_knn.query(theta_ss, k=k)[0][-1]
sum_log_dist_knn += np.log(dist_knn)
# Calculate the entropy.
E = np.log(np.pi**(q / 2) / gamma((q / 2) + 1)) - digamma(k) \
+ np.log(n_acc) + (q / n_acc) * sum_log_dist_knn
return E
def _calc_MRSSE(self, set_ss, thetas_obs, thetas_sim):
"""Calculate the mean root of squared error (MRSSE) as described in Nunes & Balding, 2010.
MRSSE = 1/n * sum_{j=1}^n( RSSE(j) ),
RSSE = 1/m * sum_{i=1}^m( theta_i - theta_true ), where
n is the number of the `closest' datasets identified using
the summary-statistics combination corresponding to the minimum entropy;
m is the number of the accepted parameters in the rejection sampling for set_ss;
theta_i is an instance of the parameters corresponding to set_ss; and
theta_true is the parameters corresponding to a `closest' dataset.
set_ss : List
Summary-statistics combination used in the rejection sampling.
thetas_obs : array_like
List of parameters corresponding to the `closest' datasets.
thetas_sim : array_like
Parameters corresponding to set_ss.
Mean root of squared error.
RSSE_total = 0
for theta_obs in thetas_obs:
SSE = np.linalg.norm(thetas_sim - theta_obs)**2
RSSE = np.sqrt(SSE)
RSSE_total += RSSE
MRSSE = RSSE_total / len(thetas_obs)
return MRSSE