"""This module contains BSL classes."""
__all__ = ['BSL']
import logging
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from elfi.methods.bsl.pdf_methods import gaussian_syn_likelihood
from elfi.methods.bsl.slice_gamma_mean import slice_gamma_mean
from elfi.methods.bsl.slice_gamma_variance import slice_gamma_variance
from elfi.methods.inference.parameter_inference import ModelBased
from elfi.methods.results import BslSample
from elfi.methods.utils import batch_to_arr2d
from elfi.model.extensions import ModelPrior
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class BSL(ModelBased):
"""Bayesian Synthetic Likelihood for parameter inference.
For a description of the default BSL see Price et. al. 2018.
Sampler implemented using Metropolis-Hastings MCMC.
L. F. Price, C. C. Drovandi, A. Lee & D. J. Nott (2018).
Bayesian Synthetic Likelihood, Journal of Computational and Graphical
Statistics, 27:1, 1-11, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2017.1302882
def __init__(self, model, n_sim_round, feature_names=None, likelihood=None, **kwargs):
"""Initialize the BSL sampler.
model : ElfiModel
ELFI graph used by the algorithm.
n_sim_round : int
Number of simulations for 1 parametric approximation of the likelihood.
feature_names : str or list, optional
Features used in synthetic likelihood estimation. Defaults to all summary statistics.
likelihood : callable, optional
Synthetic likelihood estimation method. Defaults to gaussian_syn_likelihood.
super().__init__(model, n_sim_round, feature_names=feature_names, **kwargs)
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(self.seed)
self.likelihood = likelihood or gaussian_syn_likelihood
self.is_misspec = isinstance(likelihood, partial) and 'adjustment' in likelihood.keywords
self.param_names = None
self.prior = None
self.sigma_proposals = None
self.burn_in = 0
self.logit_transform_bound = None
self.gamma_sampler = None
self.gamma_sampler_state = {}
def parameter_names(self):
"""Return the parameters to be inferred."""
return self.param_names or self.model.parameter_names
[docs] def sample(self, n_samples, sigma_proposals, params0=None, param_names=None,
burn_in=0, logit_transform_bound=None, tau=0.5, w=1, max_iter=1000,
"""Sample from the posterior distribution of BSL.
The specific approximate likelihood estimated depends on the
BSL class but generally uses a multivariate normal approximation.
The sampling is performed with a metropolis MCMC sampler, and gamma parameters
are sampled with a slice sampler when adjustment for model misspecification is
n_samples : int
Number of requested samples from the posterior. This includes burn_in.
sigma_proposals : np.array of shape (k x k) - k = number of parameters
Standard deviations for Gaussian proposals of each parameter.
params0 : array_like, optional
Initial values for each sampled parameter.
param_names : list, optional
Custom list of parameter names corresponding to the order
of parameters in params0 and sigma_proposals.
burn_in : int, optional
Length of burnin sequence in MCMC sampling. These samples are
"thrown away". Defaults to 0.
logit_transform_bound : list, optional
Each list element contains the lower and upper bound for the
logit transformation of the corresponding parameter.
tau : float, optional
Scale parameter for the prior distribution used by the gamma sampler.
w : float, optional
Step size used by the gamma sampler.
max_iter : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations used by the gamma sampler.
self.sigma_proposals = sigma_proposals
self.param_names = param_names
self.prior = ModelPrior(self.model, parameter_names=self.parameter_names)
self.burn_in = burn_in
if logit_transform_bound is not None:
self.logit_transform_bound = np.array(logit_transform_bound)
self.logit_transform_bound = None
if self.is_misspec:
self.gamma_sampler, gamma0 = self._resolve_gamma_sampler(tau, w, max_iter)
gamma0 = None
self._init_state(n_samples, params0, gamma0)
return self.infer(n_samples, **kwargs)
def _resolve_gamma_sampler(self, tau, w, max_iter):
"""Return sampler and initial value for gamma parameters."""
# resolve sampler
sampler = {'mean': slice_gamma_mean, 'variance': slice_gamma_variance}
sampler = sampler[self.likelihood.keywords['adjustment']]
sampler = partial(sampler, tau=tau, w=w, max_iter=max_iter, random_state=self.random_state)
# resolve initial value
gamma0 = {'mean': 0.0, 'variance': tau}
gamma0 = np.repeat(gamma0[self.likelihood.keywords['adjustment']], self.observed.size)
return sampler, gamma0
def _init_state(self, n_samples, params0=None, gamma0=None):
"""Initialise method state."""
# check initialisation point
if params0 is None:
params0 = self.model.generate(1, self.parameter_names, seed=self.seed)
params0 = batch_to_arr2d(params0, self.parameter_names)
params0 = np.array(params0)
if not np.isfinite(self.prior.logpdf(params0)):
raise ValueError('Initial point {} is outside prior support.'.format(params0))
# initialise sampler state
self.state['n_samples'] = 0
self.num_accepted = 0
self.state['params'] = np.zeros((n_samples, len(self.parameter_names)))
self.state['params'][0] = params0
self.state['logprior'] = np.zeros((n_samples))
self.state['logprior'][0] = self.prior.logpdf(params0)
self.state['logposterior'] = np.zeros((n_samples))
if self.is_misspec:
self.state['gamma'] = np.zeros((n_samples, self.observed.size))
self.state['gamma'][0] = gamma0
self.gamma_sampler_state = {'gamma': gamma0}
def current_params(self):
"""Return parameter values explored in the current round.
BSL runs simulations with the candidate parameter values stored in method state.
return self.state['params'][self.state['n_samples']]
def _init_round(self):
"""Initialise a new data collection round.
BSL samples new candidate parameters from a proposal distribution.
while self.state['n_samples'] < len(self.state['params']):
n = self.state['n_samples']
if self.is_misspec:
gamma, ll = self.gamma_sampler(self.observed, **self.gamma_sampler_state)
self.gamma_sampler_state['gamma'] = gamma
self.gamma_sampler_state['loglik'] = ll
self.state['gamma'][n] = gamma
self.state['logposterior'][n-1] = ll + self.state['logprior'][n-1]
# sample candidate parameter values
prop = self._propagate_state()
logprior = self.prior.logpdf(prop)
if np.isfinite(logprior):
# start data collection with the proposed parameter values
self.state['logprior'][n] = logprior
self.state['params'][n] = prop
self.state['n_sim_round'] = 0
# reject candidate
self.state['logprior'][n] = self.state['logprior'][n-1]
self.state['params'][n] = self.state['params'][n-1]
self.state['logposterior'][n] = self.state['logposterior'][n-1]
self.state['n_samples'] += 1
# update inference objective
self.set_objective(self.objective['round'] - 1)
def _process_simulated(self):
"""Process the simulated data.
BSL uses the simulated data to calculate an acceptance probability for the candidate
parameters. The acceptance probability is calculated based on a synthetic likelihood
score estimated based on the observed and simulated data.
# estimate synthetic likelihood
if not np.all(np.isfinite(self.simulated)):
loglikelihood = np.NINF
if self.is_misspec:
gamma = self.gamma_sampler_state['gamma']
loglikelihood = self.likelihood(self.simulated, self.observed, gamma=gamma)
loglikelihood = self.likelihood(self.simulated, self.observed)
n = self.state['n_samples']
if not np.isfinite(loglikelihood):
if n == 0:
raise RuntimeError('Estimated likelihood not finite on initialisation round.')
logger.warning('Estimated likelihood not finite.')
logger.debug('SL {} at {}'.format(loglikelihood, self.current_params))
# update state
self.state['logposterior'][n] = loglikelihood + self.state['logprior'][n]
if n == 0:
accept_candidate = True
l_ratio = self._get_mh_ratio()
prob = np.minimum(1.0, l_ratio)
u = self.random_state.uniform()
accept_candidate = u < prob
if accept_candidate:
if self.is_misspec:
# update gamma sampler state
self.gamma_sampler_state['loglik'] = loglikelihood
self.gamma_sampler_state['sample_mean'] = np.mean(self.simulated, axis=0)
self.gamma_sampler_state['sample_cov'] = np.cov(self.simulated, rowvar=False)
if n >= self.burn_in:
self.num_accepted += 1
# make state same as previous
self.state['logprior'][n] = self.state['logprior'][n - 1]
self.state['params'][n] = self.state['params'][n - 1]
self.state['logposterior'][n] = self.state['logposterior'][n - 1]
self.state['n_samples'] += 1
if self.state['n_samples'] == self.burn_in:
logger.info("Burn in finished. Sampling...")
def _propagate_state(self):
"""Generate random walk proposal."""
mean = self.state['params'][self.state['n_samples'] - 1]
if self.logit_transform_bound is not None:
mean_tilde = self._para_logit_transform(mean, self.logit_transform_bound)
sample = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(mean_tilde, self.sigma_proposals)
prop_state = self._para_logit_back_transform(sample, self.logit_transform_bound)
prop_state = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(mean, self.sigma_proposals)
return np.atleast_2d(prop_state)
def _get_mh_ratio(self):
"""Calculate the Metropolis-Hastings ratio.
Takes into account the transformed parameter range if needed.
n = self.state['n_samples']
current = self.state['logposterior'][n]
previous = self.state['logposterior'][n-1]
logp2 = 0
if self.logit_transform_bound is not None:
curr_sample = self.state['params'][n]
prev_sample = self.state['params'][n-1]
logp2 = self._jacobian_logit_transform(curr_sample, self.logit_transform_bound) - \
self._jacobian_logit_transform(prev_sample, self.logit_transform_bound)
res = logp2 + current - previous
# prevent overflow warnings
res = 700 if res > 700 else res
res = -700 if res < -700 else res
return np.exp(res)
def _para_logit_transform(theta, bound):
"""Apply logit transform on the specified theta and bound range.
theta : np.array
Array of parameter values
bound: np.array
Bounds for each parameter
theta_tilde : np.array
The transformed parameter value array.
type_bnd = np.matmul(np.isinf(bound), [1, 2])
type_str = type_bnd.astype(str)
theta = theta.flatten()
p = len(theta)
theta_tilde = np.zeros(p)
for i in range(p):
a = bound[i, 0]
b = bound[i, 1]
x = theta[i]
type_i = type_str[i]
if type_i == '0':
theta_tilde[i] = np.log((x - a)/(b - x))
if type_i == '1':
theta_tilde[i] = np.log(1/(b - x))
if type_i == '2':
theta_tilde[i] = np.log(x - a)
if type_i == '3':
theta_tilde[i] = x
return theta_tilde
def _para_logit_back_transform(theta_tilde, bound):
"""Apply back logit transform on the transformed theta values.
theta_tilde : np.array
Array of parameter values
bound: np.array
Bounds for each parameter
theta : np.array
The transformed parameter value array.
theta_tilde = theta_tilde.flatten()
p = len(theta_tilde)
theta = np.zeros(p)
type_bnd = np.matmul(np.isinf(bound), [1, 2])
type_str = type_bnd.astype(str)
for i in range(p):
a = bound[i, 0]
b = bound[i, 1]
y = theta_tilde[i]
ey = np.exp(y)
type_i = type_str[i]
if type_i == '0':
theta[i] = a/(1 + ey) + b/(1 + (1/ey))
if type_i == '1':
theta[i] = b-(1/ey)
if type_i == '2':
theta[i] = a + ey
if type_i == '3':
theta[i] = y
return theta
def _jacobian_logit_transform(theta_tilde, bound):
"""Find Jacobian of logit transform.
theta_tilde : np.array
Array of parameter values
bound: np.array
Bounds for each parameter
J : np.array
Jacobian matrix
type_bnd = np.matmul(np.isinf(bound), [1, 2])
type_str = type_bnd.astype(str)
theta_tilde = theta_tilde.flatten()
p = len(theta_tilde)
logJ = np.zeros(p)
for i in range(p):
y = theta_tilde[i]
type_i = type_str[i]
if type_i == '0':
a = bound[i, 0]
b = bound[i, 1]
ey = np.exp(y)
logJ[i] = np.log(b-a) - np.log((1/ey) + 2 + ey)
if type_i == '1':
logJ[i] = y
if type_i == '2':
logJ[i] = y
if type_i == '3':
logJ[i] = 0
J = np.sum(logJ)
return J