Source code for elfi.methods.inference.romc

"""This module contains ROMC class."""

__all__ = ['ROMC']

import logging
import math
import timeit
import typing
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numdifftools as nd
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as optim
import scipy.spatial as spatial
import scipy.stats as ss
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures

import elfi.visualization.interactive as visin
import elfi.visualization.visualization as vis
from import LCBSC
from import GPyRegression
from import stochastic_optimization
from elfi.methods.inference.parameter_inference import ParameterInference
from elfi.methods.posteriors import RomcPosterior
from elfi.methods.results import OptimizationResult, RomcSample
from elfi.methods.utils import (arr2d_to_batch, batch_to_arr2d, ceil_to_batch_size,
                                compute_ess, flat_array_to_dict)
from elfi.model.elfi_model import ElfiModel, NodeReference
from elfi.model.extensions import ModelPrior
from elfi.visualization.visualization import ProgressBar

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BoDetereministic:
    """Base class for applying Bayesian Optimisation to a deterministic objective function.

    This class (a) optimizes the determinstic function and (b) fits
    a surrogate model in the area around the optimal point. This class follows the structure
    of BayesianOptimization replacing the stochastic elfi Model with a deterministic function.

    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize Bayesian optimization.

        objective : Callable(np.ndarray) -> float
            The objective function
        prior : ModelPrior
            The prior distribution
        parameter_names : List[str]
            names of the parameters of interest
        n_evidence : int
            number of evidence points needed for the optimisation process to terminate
        target_name : str, optional
            the name of the output node of the deterministic function
        bounds : dict, optional
            The region where to estimate the posterior for each parameter in
            model.parameters: dict('parameter_name':(lower, upper), ... )`. If not passed,
            the range [0,1] is passed
        initial_evidence : int, dict, optional
            Number of initial evidence needed or a precomputed batch dict containing parameter
            and discrepancy values. Default value depends on the dimensionality.
        update_interval : int, optional
            How often to update the GP hyperparameters of the target_model
        target_model : GPyRegression, optional
        acquisition_method : Acquisition, optional
            Method of acquiring evidence points. Defaults to LCBSC.
        acq_noise_var : float or dict, optional
            Variance(s) of the noise added in the default LCBSC acquisition method.
            If a dictionary, values should be float specifying the variance for each dimension.
        exploration_rate : float, optional
            Exploration rate of the acquisition method
        batch_size : int, optional
            Elfi batch size. Defaults to 1.
        batches_per_acquisition : int, optional
            How many batches will be requested from the acquisition function at one go.
            Defaults to max_parallel_batches.
        async_acq : bool, optional
            Allow acquisitions to be made asynchronously, i.e. do not wait for all the
            results from the previous acquisition before making the next. This can be more
            efficient with a large amount of workers (e.g. in cluster environments) but
            forgoes the guarantee for the exactly same result with the same initial
            conditions (e.g. the seed). Default False.
        seed : int, optional
            seed for making the process reproducible

        self.det_func = objective
        self.prior = prior
        self.bounds = bounds
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.parameter_names = parameter_names
        self.seed = seed
        self.target_name = target_name
        self.target_model = target_model

        n_precomputed = 0
        n_initial, precomputed = self._resolve_initial_evidence(
        if precomputed is not None:
            params = batch_to_arr2d(precomputed, self.parameter_names)
            n_precomputed = len(params)
            self.target_model.update(params, precomputed[target_name])

        self.batches_per_acquisition = 1
        self.acquisition_method = acquisition_method or LCBSC(self.target_model,

        self.n_initial_evidence = n_initial
        self.n_precomputed_evidence = n_precomputed
        self.update_interval = update_interval
        self.async_acq = async_acq

        self.state = {'n_evidence': self.n_precomputed_evidence,
                      'last_GP_update': self.n_initial_evidence,
                      'acquisition': [], 'n_sim': 0, 'n_batches': 0}


    def _resolve_initial_evidence(self, initial_evidence):
        # Some sensibility limit for starting GP regression
        precomputed = None
        n_required = max(10, 2 ** self.target_model.input_dim + 1)
        n_required = ceil_to_batch_size(n_required, self.batch_size)

        if initial_evidence is None:
            n_initial_evidence = n_required
        elif np.isscalar(initial_evidence):
            n_initial_evidence = int(initial_evidence)
            precomputed = initial_evidence
            n_initial_evidence = len(precomputed[self.target_name])

        if n_initial_evidence < 0:
            raise ValueError('Number of initial evidence must be positive or zero '
                             '(was {})'.format(initial_evidence))
        elif n_initial_evidence < n_required:
            logger.warning('We recommend having at least {} initialization points for '
                           'the initialization (now {})'.format(n_required, n_initial_evidence))

        if precomputed is None and (n_initial_evidence % self.batch_size != 0):
            logger.warning('Number of initial_evidence %d is not divisible by '
                           'batch_size %d. Rounding it up...' % (n_initial_evidence,
            n_initial_evidence = ceil_to_batch_size(
                n_initial_evidence, self.batch_size)

        return n_initial_evidence, precomputed

    def n_evidence(self):
        """Return the number of acquired evidence points."""
        return self.state.get('n_evidence', 0)

    def acq_batch_size(self):
        """Return the total number of acquisition per iteration."""
        return self.batch_size * self.batches_per_acquisition

    def set_objective(self, n_evidence=None):
        """Set objective for inference.

        You can continue BO by giving a larger n_evidence.

        n_evidence : int
            Number of total evidence for the GP fitting. This includes any initial

        if n_evidence is None:
            n_evidence = self.objective.get('n_evidence', self.n_evidence)

        if n_evidence < self.n_evidence:
                'Requesting less evidence than there already exists')

        self.objective = {'n_evidence': n_evidence,
                          'n_sim': n_evidence - self.n_precomputed_evidence}

    def _extract_result_kwargs(self):
        """Extract common arguments for the ParameterInferenceResult object."""
        return {
            'method_name': self.__class__.__name__,
            'parameter_names': self.parameter_names,
            'seed': self.seed,
            'n_sim': self.state['n_sim'],
            'n_batches': self.state['n_batches']

    def extract_result(self):
        """Extract the result from the current state.


        x_min, _ = stochastic_optimization(
            self.target_model.predict_mean, self.target_model.bounds, seed=self.seed)

        batch_min = arr2d_to_batch(x_min, self.parameter_names)
        outputs = arr2d_to_batch(self.target_model.X, self.parameter_names)
        outputs[self.target_name] = self.target_model.Y

        return OptimizationResult(
            x_min=batch_min, outputs=outputs, **self._extract_result_kwargs())

    def update(self, batch, batch_index):
        """Update the GP regression model of the target node with a new batch.

        batch : dict
            dict with `self.outputs` as keys and the corresponding outputs for the batch
            as values
        batch_index : int

        # super(BayesianOptimization, self).update(batch, batch_index)
        self.state['n_evidence'] += self.batch_size

        params = batch_to_arr2d(batch, self.parameter_names)
        self._report_batch(batch_index, params, batch[self.target_name])

        optimize = self._should_optimize()
        self.target_model.update(params, batch[self.target_name], optimize)
        if optimize:
            self.state['last_GP_update'] = self.target_model.n_evidence

    def prepare_new_batch(self, batch_index):
        """Prepare values for a new batch.

        batch_index : int
            next batch_index to be submitted

        batch : dict or None
            Keys should match to node names in the model. These values will override any
            default values or operations in those nodes.

        t = self._get_acquisition_index(batch_index)

        # Check if we still should take initial points from the prior
        if t < 0:
            return None, None

        # Take the next batch from the acquisition_batch
        acquisition = self.state['acquisition']
        if len(acquisition) == 0:
            acquisition = self.acquisition_method.acquire(
                self.acq_batch_size, t=t)

        batch = arr2d_to_batch(
            acquisition[:self.batch_size], self.parameter_names)
        self.state['acquisition'] = acquisition[self.batch_size:]

        return acquisition, batch

    def _get_acquisition_index(self, batch_index):
        acq_batch_size = self.batch_size * self.batches_per_acquisition
        initial_offset = self.n_initial_evidence - self.n_precomputed_evidence
        starting_sim_index = self.batch_size * batch_index

        t = (starting_sim_index - initial_offset) // acq_batch_size
        return t

    def fit(self):
        for ii in range(self.objective["n_sim"]):
            inp, next_batch = self.prepare_new_batch(ii)

            if inp is None:
                inp = self.prior.rvs(size=1)

                if inp.ndim == 1:
                    inp = np.expand_dims(inp, 0)
                next_batch = arr2d_to_batch(inp, self.parameter_names)

            y = np.array([self.det_func(np.squeeze(inp, 0))])

            next_batch[self.target_name] = y
            self.update(next_batch, ii)

            self.state['n_batches'] += 1
            self.state['n_sim'] += 1
        self.result = self.extract_result()

    def _should_optimize(self):
        current = self.target_model.n_evidence + self.batch_size
        next_update = self.state['last_GP_update'] + self.update_interval
        return current >= self.n_initial_evidence and current >= next_update

    def _report_batch(self, batch_index, params, distances):
        str = "Received batch {}:\n".format(batch_index)
        fill = 6 * ' '
        for i in range(self.batch_size):
            str += "{}{} at {}\n".format(fill, distances[i].item(), params[i])

    def plot_state(self, **options):
        """Plot the GP surface.

        This feature is still experimental and currently supports only 2D cases.
        f = plt.gcf()
        if len(f.axes) < 2:
            f, _ = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(
                13, 6), sharex='row', sharey='row')

        gp = self.target_model

        # Draw the GP surface
            title='GP target surface',

        # Draw the latest acquisitions
        if options.get('interactive'):
            point = gp.X[-1, :]
            if len(gp.X) > 1:
                f.axes[1].scatter(*point, color='red')

        displays = [gp._gp]

        if options.get('interactive'):
            from IPython import display
                display.HTML('<span><b>Iteration {}:</b> Acquired {} at {}</span>'.format(
                    len(gp.Y), gp.Y[-1][0], point)))

        # Update
        visin._update_interactive(displays, options)

        def acq(x):
            return self.acquisition_method.evaluate(x, len(gp.X))

        # Draw the acquisition surface
            title='Acquisition surface',

        if options.get('close'):

    def plot_discrepancy(self, axes=None, **kwargs):
        """Plot acquired parameters vs. resulting discrepancy.

        axes : plt.Axes or arraylike of plt.Axes

        axes : np.array of plt.Axes

        return vis.plot_discrepancy(self.target_model, self.parameter_names, axes=axes, **kwargs)

    def plot_gp(self, axes=None, resol=50, const=None, bounds=None, true_params=None, **kwargs):
        """Plot pairwise relationships as a matrix with parameters vs. discrepancy.

        axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
        resol : int, optional
            Resolution of the plotted grid.
        const : np.array, optional
            Values for parameters in plots where held constant. Defaults to minimum evidence.
        bounds: list of tuples, optional
            List of tuples for axis boundaries.
        true_params : dict, optional
            Dictionary containing parameter names with corresponding true parameter values.

        axes : np.array of plt.Axes

        return vis.plot_gp(self.target_model, self.parameter_names, axes,
                           resol, const, bounds, true_params, **kwargs)

[docs]class ROMC(ParameterInference): """Robust Optimisation Monte Carlo inference method. Ikonomov, B., & Gutmann, M. U. (2019). Robust Optimisation Monte Carlo. """ def __init__(self, model: typing.Union[ElfiModel, NodeReference], bounds: typing.Union[typing.List, None] = None, discrepancy_name: typing.Union[str, None] = None, output_names: typing.Union[typing.List[str]] = None, custom_optim_class=None, parallelize: bool = False, **kwargs): """Class constructor. Parameters ---------- model: Model or NodeReference the elfi model or the output node of the graph bounds: List[(start,stop), ...] bounds of the n-dim bounding box area containing the mass of the posterior discrepancy_name: string, optional the name of the output node (obligatory, only if Model is passed as model) output_names: List[string] which node values to store during inference custom_optim_class: class Custom OptimizationProblem class provided by the user, to extend the algorithm parallelize: bool whether to parallelize all parts of the algorithm kwargs: Dict other named parameters """ # define model model, discrepancy_name = self._resolve_model(model, discrepancy_name) # set the output names output_names = [discrepancy_name] + model.parameter_names + (output_names or []) # setter self.discrepancy_name = discrepancy_name self.model = model self.model_prior = ModelPrior(model) self.dim = self.model_prior.dim self.bounds = bounds self.left_lim = np.array([bound[0] for bound in bounds], dtype=float) if bounds is not None else None self.right_lim = np.array([bound[1] for bound in bounds], dtype=float) if bounds is not None else None # holds the state of the inference process self.inference_state = {"_has_gen_nuisance": False, "_has_defined_problems": False, "_has_solved_problems": False, "_has_fitted_surrogate_model": False, "_has_filtered_solutions": False, "_has_fitted_local_models": False, "_has_estimated_regions": False, "_has_defined_posterior": False, "_has_drawn_samples": False, "attempted": None, "solved": None, "accepted": None, "computed_BB": None} # inputs passed during inference will be stored here self.inference_args = {"parallelize": parallelize} # user-defined OptimisationClass self.custom_optim_class = custom_optim_class # List of OptimisationProblem objects self.optim_problems = None # RomcPosterior object self.posterior = None # Samples drawn from RomcPosterior, np.ndarray (#accepted,n2,D), self.samples = None # weights of the samples, np.ndarray (#accepted,n2): self.weights = None # distances of the samples, np.ndarray (#accepted,n2): self.distances = None # RomcSample object self.result = None self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(prefix='Progress', suffix='Complete', decimals=1, length=50, fill='=') super(ROMC, self).__init__(model, output_names, **kwargs) def _define_objectives(self, n1, seed=None): """Define n1 deterministic optimisation problems, by freezing the seed of the generator.""" # getters assert isinstance(n1, int) dim = self.dim param_names = self.parameter_names bounds = self.bounds model_prior = self.model_prior target_name = self.discrepancy_name # main part # It can sample at most 4x1E09 unique numbers # TODO fix to work with subseeds to remove the limit of 4x1E09 numbers up_lim = 2 ** 32 - 1 nuisance = ss.randint(low=1, high=up_lim).rvs( size=n1, random_state=seed) # update state self.inference_state["_has_gen_nuisance"] = True self.inference_args["N1"] = n1 self.inference_args["initial_seed"] = seed optim_problems = [] for ind, nuisance in enumerate(nuisance): objective = self._freeze_seed(nuisance) # f = self._freeze_seed_f(nuisance) if self.custom_optim_class is None: optim_prob = OptimisationProblem(ind, nuisance, param_names, target_name, objective, dim, model_prior, n1, bounds) else: optim_prob = self.custom_optim_class(ind=ind, nuisance=nuisance, parameter_names=param_names, target_name=target_name, objective=objective, dim=dim, prior=model_prior, n1=n1, bounds=bounds) optim_problems.append(optim_prob) # update state self.optim_problems = optim_problems self.inference_state["_has_defined_problems"] = True def _det_generator(self, theta, seed): model = self.model dim = self.dim output_node = self.discrepancy_name assert theta.ndim == 1 assert theta.shape[0] == dim # Map flattened array of parameters to parameter names with correct shape param_dict = flat_array_to_dict(model.parameter_names, theta) dict_outputs = model.generate( batch_size=1, outputs=[output_node], with_values=param_dict, seed=int(seed)) return float(dict_outputs[output_node]) ** 2 def _freeze_seed(self, seed): """Freeze the model.generate with a specific seed. Parameters __________ seed: int the seed passed to model.generate Returns ------- Callable: the deterministic generator """ return partial(self._det_generator, seed=seed) @staticmethod def _worker_solve_gradients(args): optim_prob, kwargs = args is_solved = optim_prob.solve_gradients(**kwargs) return optim_prob, is_solved @staticmethod def _worker_build_region(args): optim_prob, accepted, kwargs = args if accepted: is_built = optim_prob.build_region(**kwargs) else: is_built = False return optim_prob, is_built @staticmethod def _worker_fit_model(args): optim_prob, accepted, kwargs = args if accepted: optim_prob.fit_local_surrogate(**kwargs) return optim_prob def _solve_gradients(self, **kwargs): """Attempt to solve all defined optimization problems with a gradient-based optimiser. Parameters ---------- kwargs: Dict all the keyword-arguments that will be passed to the optimiser None is obligatory, Optionals in the current implementation: * seed: for making the process reproducible * all valid arguments for scipy.optimize.minimize (e.g. method, jac) """ assert self.inference_state["_has_defined_problems"] parallelize = self.inference_args["parallelize"] assert isinstance(parallelize, bool) # getters n1 = self.inference_args["N1"] optim_probs = self.optim_problems # main part solved = [False for _ in range(n1)] attempted = [False for _ in range(n1)] tic = timeit.default_timer() if parallelize is False: self.progress_bar.reinit_progressbar(reinit_msg="Solving gradients") for i in range(n1): self.progress_bar.update_progressbar(i + 1, n1) attempted[i] = True is_solved = optim_probs[i].solve_gradients(**kwargs) solved[i] = is_solved else: # parallel part pool = Pool() args = ((optim_probs[i], kwargs) for i in range(n1)) new_list =, args) pool.close() pool.join() # return objects solved = [new_list[i][1] for i in range(n1)] self.optim_problems = [new_list[i][0] for i in range(n1)] toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec" % (toc - tic)) # update state self.inference_state["solved"] = solved self.inference_state["attempted"] = attempted self.inference_state["_has_solved_problems"] = True def _solve_bo(self, **kwargs): """Attempt to solve all defined optimization problems with Bayesian Optimisation. Parameters ---------- kwargs: Dict * all the keyword-arguments that will be passed to the optimiser. None is obligatory. Optional, in the current implementation:, * "n_evidence": number of points for the process to terminate (default is 20) * "acq_noise_var": added noise at every query point (default is 0.1) """ assert self.inference_state["_has_defined_problems"] # getters n1 = self.inference_args["N1"] optim_problems = self.optim_problems # main part attempted = [] solved = [] tic = timeit.default_timer() self.progress_bar.reinit_progressbar(reinit_msg="Bayesian Optimization") for i in range(n1): self.progress_bar.update_progressbar(i + 1, n1) attempted.append(True) is_solved = optim_problems[i].solve_bo(**kwargs) solved.append(is_solved) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec" % (toc - tic)) # update state self.inference_state["attempted"] = attempted self.inference_state["solved"] = solved self.inference_state["_has_solved_problems"] = True self.inference_state["_has_fitted_surrogate_model"] = True
[docs] def compute_eps(self, quantile): """Return the quantile distance, out of all optimal distance. Parameters ---------- quantile: value in [0,1] Returns ------- float """ assert self.inference_state["_has_solved_problems"] assert isinstance(quantile, float) assert 0 <= quantile <= 1 opt_probs = self.optim_problems dist = [] for i in range(len(opt_probs)): if opt_probs[i].state["solved"]: dist.append(opt_probs[i].result.f_min) eps = np.quantile(dist, quantile) return eps
def _filter_solutions(self, eps_filter): """Filter out the solutions over eps threshold. Parameters ---------- eps_filter: float the threshold for filtering out solutions """ # checks assert self.inference_state["_has_solved_problems"] # getters n1 = self.inference_args["N1"] solved = self.inference_state["solved"] optim_problems = self.optim_problems accepted = [] for i in range(n1): if solved[i] and (optim_problems[i].result.f_min < eps_filter): accepted.append(True) else: accepted.append(False) # update status self.inference_args["eps_filter"] = eps_filter self.inference_state["accepted"] = accepted self.inference_state["_has_filtered_solutions"] = True def _build_boxes(self, **kwargs): """Estimate a bounding box for all accepted solutions. Parameters ---------- kwargs: all the keyword-arguments that will be passed to the RegionConstructor. None is obligatory. Optionals, * eps_region, if not passed the eps for used in filtering will be used * use_surrogate, if not passed it will be set based on the optimisation method (gradients or bo) * step, the step size along the search direction, default 0.05 * lim, max translation along the search direction, default 100 """ # getters optim_problems = self.optim_problems accepted = self.inference_state["accepted"] n1 = self.inference_args["N1"] parallelize = self.inference_args["parallelize"] assert isinstance(parallelize, bool) # main computed_bb = [False for _ in range(n1)] if parallelize is False: self.progress_bar.reinit_progressbar(reinit_msg="Building boxes") for i in range(n1): self.progress_bar.update_progressbar(i + 1, n1) if accepted[i]: is_built = optim_problems[i].build_region(**kwargs) computed_bb.append(is_built) else: computed_bb.append(False) else: # parallel part pool = Pool() args = ((optim_problems[i], accepted[i], kwargs) for i in range(n1)) new_list =, args) pool.close() pool.join() # return objects computed_bb = [new_list[i][1] for i in range(n1)] self.optim_problems = [new_list[i][0] for i in range(n1)] # update status self.inference_state["computed_BB"] = computed_bb self.inference_state["_has_estimated_regions"] = True def _fit_models(self, **kwargs): # getters optim_problems = self.optim_problems accepted = self.inference_state["accepted"] n1 = self.inference_args["N1"] parallelize = self.inference_args["parallelize"] assert isinstance(parallelize, bool) # main if parallelize is False: self.progress_bar.reinit_progressbar(reinit_msg="Fitting models") for i in range(n1): self.progress_bar.update_progressbar(i + 1, n1) if accepted[i]: optim_problems[i].fit_local_surrogate(**kwargs) else: # parallel part pool = Pool() args = ((optim_problems[i], accepted[i], kwargs) for i in range(n1)) new_list =, args) pool.close() pool.join() # return objects self.optim_problems = [new_list[i] for i in range(n1)] # update status self.inference_state["_has_fitted_local_models"] = True def _define_posterior(self, eps_cutoff): """Define the posterior distribution. Returns ------- RomcPosterior """ problems = self.optim_problems prior = self.model_prior eps_filter = self.inference_args["eps_filter"] eps_region = self.inference_args["eps_region"] left_lim = self.left_lim right_lim = self.right_lim use_surrogate = self.inference_state["_has_fitted_surrogate_model"] use_local = self.inference_state["_has_fitted_local_models"] parallelize = self.inference_args["parallelize"] # collect all constructed regions regions = [] objectives = [] objectives_actual = [] objectives_surrogate = None if use_surrogate is False else [] objectives_local = None if use_local is False else [] nuisance = [] any_surrogate_used = (use_local or use_surrogate) for i, prob in enumerate(problems): if prob.state["region"]: for jj, region in enumerate(prob.regions): # add nuisance variable nuisance.append(prob.nuisance) # add region regions.append(region) # add actual objective objectives_actual.append(prob.objective) # add local and surrogate objectives if they have been computed objectives_surrogate.append(prob.surrogate) if \ objectives_surrogate is not None else None objectives_local.append(prob.local_surrogates[jj]) if \ objectives_local is not None else None # add the objective that will be used by the posterior # the policy is (a) local (b) surrogate (c) actual if use_local: objectives.append(prob.local_surrogates[jj]) if not use_local and use_surrogate: objectives.append(prob.surrogate) if not use_local and not use_surrogate: objectives.append(prob.objective) self.posterior = RomcPosterior(regions, objectives, objectives_actual, objectives_surrogate, objectives_local, nuisance, any_surrogate_used, prior, left_lim, right_lim, eps_filter, eps_region, eps_cutoff, parallelize) self.inference_state["_has_defined_posterior"] = True # Training routines
[docs] def fit_posterior(self, n1, eps_filter, use_bo=False, quantile=None, optimizer_args=None, region_args=None, fit_models=False, fit_models_args=None, seed=None, eps_region=None, eps_cutoff=None): """Execute all training steps. Parameters ---------- n1: integer nof deterministic optimisation problems use_bo: Boolean whether to use Bayesian Optimisation eps_filter: Union[float, str] threshold for filtering solution or "auto" if defined by through quantile quantile: Union[None, float], optional quantile of optimal distances to set as eps if eps="auto" optimizer_args: Union[None, Dict] keyword-arguments that will be passed to the optimiser region_args: Union[None, Dict] keyword-arguments that will be passed to the regionConstructor seed: Union[None, int] seed definition for making the training process reproducible eps_region: threshold for region construction """ assert isinstance(n1, int) assert isinstance(use_bo, bool) assert eps_filter == "auto" or isinstance(eps_filter, (int, float)) if eps_filter == "auto": assert isinstance(quantile, (int, float)) quantile = float(quantile) # (i) define and solve problems self.solve_problems(n1=n1, use_bo=use_bo, optimizer_args=optimizer_args, seed=seed) # (ii) compute eps if isinstance(eps_filter, (int, float)): eps_filter = float(eps_filter) elif eps_filter == "auto": eps_filter = self.compute_eps(quantile) # (iii) estimate regions self.estimate_regions( eps_filter=eps_filter, use_surrogate=use_bo, region_args=region_args, fit_models=fit_models, fit_models_args=fit_models_args, eps_region=eps_region, eps_cutoff=eps_cutoff) # print summary of fitting"NOF optimisation problems : %d " % np.sum(self.inference_state["attempted"]))"NOF solutions obtained : %d " % np.sum(self.inference_state["solved"]))"NOF accepted solutions : %d " % np.sum(self.inference_state["accepted"]))
[docs] def solve_problems(self, n1, use_bo=False, optimizer_args=None, seed=None): """Define and solve n1 optimisation problems. Parameters ---------- n1: integer number of deterministic optimisation problems to solve use_bo: Boolean, default: False whether to use Bayesian Optimisation. If False, gradients are used. optimizer_args: Union[None, Dict], default None keyword-arguments that will be passed to the optimiser. The argument "seed" is automatically appended to the dict. In the current implementation, all arguments are optional. seed: Union[None, int] """ assert isinstance(n1, int) assert isinstance(use_bo, bool) if optimizer_args is None: optimizer_args = {} if "seed" not in optimizer_args: optimizer_args["seed"] = seed self._define_objectives(n1=n1, seed=seed) if not use_bo:"### Solving problems using a gradient-based method ###") tic = timeit.default_timer() self._solve_gradients(**optimizer_args) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec" % (toc - tic)) elif use_bo:"### Solving problems using Bayesian optimisation ###") tic = timeit.default_timer() self._solve_bo(**optimizer_args) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec" % (toc - tic))
[docs] def estimate_regions(self, eps_filter, use_surrogate=False, region_args=None, fit_models=True, fit_models_args=None, eps_region=None, eps_cutoff=None): """Filter solutions and build the N-Dimensional bounding box around the optimal point. Parameters ---------- eps_filter: float threshold for filtering the solutions use_surrogate: Union[None, bool] whether to use the surrogate model for bulding the bounding box. if None, it will be set based on which optimisation scheme has been used. region_args: Union[None, Dict] keyword-arguments that will be passed to the regionConstructor. The arguments "eps_region" and "use_surrogate" are automatically appended, if not defined explicitly. fit_models: bool whether to fit a helping model around the optimal point fit_models_args: Union[None, Dict] arguments passed for fitting the helping models eps_region: Union[None, float] threshold for the bounding box limits. If None, it will be equal to eps_filter. eps_cutoff: Union[None, float] threshold for the indicator function. If None, it will be equal to eps_filter. """ assert self.inference_state["_has_solved_problems"], "You have firstly to " \ "solve the optimization problems." if region_args is None: region_args = {} if fit_models_args is None: fit_models_args = {} if eps_cutoff is None: eps_cutoff = eps_filter if eps_region is None: eps_region = eps_filter if use_surrogate is None: use_surrogate = True if self.inference_state["_has_fitted_surrogate_model"] else False if "use_surrogate" not in region_args: region_args["use_surrogate"] = use_surrogate if "eps_region" not in region_args: region_args["eps_region"] = eps_region self.inference_args["eps_region"] = eps_region self.inference_args["eps_cutoff"] = eps_cutoff self._filter_solutions(eps_filter) nof_solved = int(np.sum(self.inference_state["solved"])) nof_accepted = int(np.sum(self.inference_state["accepted"]))"Total solutions: %d, Accepted solutions after filtering: %d" % (nof_solved, nof_accepted))"### Estimating regions ###\n") tic = timeit.default_timer() self._build_boxes(**region_args) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec \n" % (toc - tic)) if fit_models:"### Fitting local models ###\n") tic = timeit.default_timer() self._fit_models(**fit_models_args) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec \n" % (toc - tic)) self._define_posterior(eps_cutoff=eps_cutoff)
# Inference Routines
[docs] def sample(self, n2, seed=None): """Get samples from the posterior. Parameters ---------- n2: int number of samples seed: int, seed of the sampling procedure """ assert self.inference_state["_has_defined_posterior"], "You must train first" # set the general seed # np.random.seed(seed) # draw samples"### Getting Samples from the posterior ###\n") tic = timeit.default_timer() self.samples, self.weights, self.distances = self.posterior.sample( n2, seed=None) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec \n" % (toc - tic)) self.inference_state["_has_drawn_samples"] = True # define result class self.result = self.extract_result()
[docs] def eval_unnorm_posterior(self, theta): """Evaluate the unnormalized posterior. The operation is NOT vectorized. Parameters ---------- theta: np.ndarray (BS, D) the position to evaluate Returns ------- np.array: (BS,) """ # if nothing has been done, apply all steps assert self.inference_state["_has_defined_posterior"], "You must train first" # eval posterior assert theta.ndim == 2 assert theta.shape[1] == self.dim tic = timeit.default_timer() result = self.posterior.pdf_unnorm_batched(theta) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec \n" % (toc - tic)) return result
[docs] def eval_posterior(self, theta): """Evaluate the normalized posterior. The operation is NOT vectorized. Parameters ---------- theta: np.ndarray (BS, D) Returns ------- np.array: (BS,) """ assert self.inference_state["_has_defined_posterior"], "You must train first" assert self.bounds is not None, "You have to set the bounds in order " \ "to approximate the partition function" # eval posterior assert theta.ndim == 2 assert theta.shape[1] == self.dim tic = timeit.default_timer() result = self.posterior.pdf(theta) toc = timeit.default_timer()"Time: %.3f sec \n" % (toc - tic)) return result
[docs] def compute_expectation(self, h): """Compute an expectation, based on h. Parameters ---------- h: Callable Returns ------- float or np.array, depending on the return value of the Callable h """ assert self.inference_state["_has_drawn_samples"], "Draw samples first" return self.posterior.compute_expectation(h, self.samples, self.weights)
# Evaluation Routines
[docs] def compute_ess(self): """Compute the Effective Sample Size. Returns ------- float The effective sample size. """ assert self.inference_state["_has_drawn_samples"] return compute_ess(self.result.weights)
[docs] def compute_divergence(self, gt_posterior, bounds=None, step=0.1, distance="Jensen-Shannon"): """Compute divergence between ROMC posterior and ground-truth. Parameters ---------- gt_posterior: Callable, ground-truth posterior, must accepted input in a batched fashion (np.ndarray with shape: (BS,D)) bounds: List[(start, stop)] if bounds are not passed at the ROMC constructor, they can be passed here step: float distance: str which distance to use. must be in ["Jensen-Shannon", "KL-Divergence"] Returns ------- float: The computed divergence between the distributions """ assert self.inference_state["_has_defined_posterior"] assert distance in ["Jensen-Shannon", "KL-Divergence"] if bounds is None: assert self.bounds is not None, "You have to define the prior's " \ "limits in order to compute the divergence" # compute limits left_lim = self.left_lim right_lim = self.right_lim limits = tuple([(left_lim[i], right_lim[i]) for i in range(len(left_lim))]) p = self.eval_posterior q = gt_posterior dim = len(limits) assert dim > 0 assert distance in ["KL-Divergence", "Jensen-Shannon"] if dim == 1: left = limits[0][0] right = limits[0][1] nof_points = int((right - left) / step) x = np.linspace(left, right, nof_points) x = np.expand_dims(x, -1) p_points = np.squeeze(p(x)) q_points = np.squeeze(q(x)) elif dim == 2: left = limits[0][0] right = limits[0][1] nof_points = int((right - left) / step) x = np.linspace(left, right, nof_points) left = limits[1][0] right = limits[1][1] nof_points = int((right - left) / step) y = np.linspace(left, right, nof_points) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) inp = np.stack((x.flatten(), y.flatten()), -1) p_points = np.squeeze(p(inp)) q_points = np.squeeze(q(inp)) else:"Computational approximation of KL Divergence on D > 2 is intractable.") return None # compute distance if distance == "KL-Divergence": return ss.entropy(p_points, q_points) elif distance == "Jensen-Shannon": return spatial.distance.jensenshannon(p_points, q_points)
[docs] def extract_result(self): """Extract the result from the current state. Returns ------- result : Sample """ if self.samples is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to extract') method_name = "ROMC" parameter_names = self.model.parameter_names discrepancy_name = self.discrepancy_name weights = self.weights.flatten() outputs = {} for i, name in enumerate(self.model.parameter_names): outputs[name] = self.samples[:, :, i].flatten() outputs[discrepancy_name] = self.distances.flatten() return RomcSample(method_name=method_name, outputs=outputs, parameter_names=parameter_names, discrepancy_name=discrepancy_name, weights=weights)
# Inspection Routines
[docs] def visualize_region(self, i, force_objective=False, savefig=False): """Plot the acceptance area of the i-th optimisation problem. Parameters ---------- i: int, index of the problem savefig: None or path """ def _i_to_solved_i(ii, probs): k = 0 for j in range(ii): if probs[j].state["region"]: k += 1 return k if self.samples is not None: samples = self.samples[_i_to_solved_i(i, self.optim_problems)] else: samples = None self.optim_problems[i].visualize_region(force_objective, samples, savefig)
[docs] def distance_hist(self, savefig=False, **kwargs): """Plot a histogram of the distances at the optimal point. Parameters ---------- savefig: False or str, if str it must be the path to save the figure kwargs: Dict with arguments to be passed to the plt.hist() """ assert self.inference_state["_has_solved_problems"] # collect all optimal distances opt_probs = self.optim_problems dist = [] for i in range(len(opt_probs)): if opt_probs[i].state["solved"]: d = opt_probs[i].result.f_min if opt_probs[i].result.f_min > 0 else 0 dist.append(d) plt.figure() plt.title("Histogram of distances") plt.ylabel("number of problems") plt.xlabel("distance") plt.hist(dist, **kwargs) # if savefig=path, save to the appropriate location if savefig: plt.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight')
class OptimisationProblem: """Base class for a deterministic optimisation problem.""" def __init__(self, ind, nuisance, parameter_names, target_name, objective, dim, prior, n1, bounds): """Class constructor. Parameters ---------- ind: int, index of the optimisation problem, must be unique nuisance: int, the seed used for defining the objective parameter_names: List[str] names of the parameters target_name: str name of the output node objective: Callable(np.ndarray) -> float the objective function dim: int the dimensionality of the problem prior: ModelPrior prior distribution of the inference n1: int number of optimisation problems defined bounds: List[(start, stop)] bounds of the optimisation problem """ # index of the optimisation problem self.ind: int = ind # nuisance variable that created the objective function self.nuisance: int = nuisance # the objective function self.objective: typing.Callable = objective # dimensionality of the problem self.dim: int = dim # bounds of the prior, important for the BO case self.bounds: np.ndarray = bounds # names of the parameters, important for the BO case self.parameter_names: typing.List[str] = parameter_names # name of the distance variable, needed at the BO case self.target_name: str = target_name # The prior distribution self.prior: ModelPrior = prior # total number of optimisation problems that have been defined self.n1: int = n1 # state of the optimization problem self.state = {"attempted": False, "solved": False, "has_fit_surrogate": False, "has_fit_local_surrogates": False, "has_built_region_with_surrogate": False, "region": False} # Bayesian Optimisation process self.bo_process = None # surrogate model fit at Bayesian Optimisation self.surrogate: typing.Union[typing.Callable, None] = None # list with local surrogate models self.local_surrogates: typing.Union[typing.List[typing.Callable], None] = None # optimisation result self.result: typing.Union[RomcOptimisationResult, None] = None # list with acceptance regions self.regions: typing.Union[typing.List[NDimBoundingBox], None] = None # threshold for building the region self.eps_region: typing.Union[float, None] = None # initial point of the optimization process self.initial_point: typing.Union[np.ndarray, None] = None def solve_gradients(self, **kwargs): """Solve the optimisation problem using the scipy.optimise package. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: seed (int): the seed of the optimisation process x0 (np.ndarray): the initial point of the optimisation process, if not given explicitly, a random point will be drawn from the prior method (str): the name of the method to be used, should be one from Default value is "Nelder-Mead" jac (np.ndarray): the jacobian matrix for computing the gradients analytically Returns ------- Boolean, whether the optimisation reached successfully an end point """ DEFAULT_ALGORITHM = "Nelder-Mead" # prepare inputs seed = kwargs["seed"] if "seed" in kwargs else None if "x0" not in kwargs: x0 = self.prior.rvs(size=self.n1, random_state=seed)[self.ind] else: x0 = kwargs["x0"] method = DEFAULT_ALGORITHM if "method" not in kwargs else kwargs["method"] jac = kwargs["jac"] if "jac" in kwargs else None fun = self.objective self.state["attempted"] = True try: res = optim.minimize(fun=fun, x0=x0, method=method, jac=jac) if res.success: self.state["solved"] = True hess_appr = nd.Hessian(self.objective)(res.x) self.result = RomcOptimisationResult(res.x,, hess_appr) self.initial_point = x0 return True else: self.state["solved"] = False return False except ValueError: self.state["solved"] = False return False def solve_bo(self, **kwargs): """Solve the optimisation problem using the BoDeterministic. Parameters ---------- **kwargs: n_evidence (int): number of initial points. Default: 20 acq_noise_var (float): added noise to point acquisition. Default: 0.1 Returns ------- Boolean, whether the optimisation reached an end point """ if self.bounds is not None: bounds = {k: self.bounds[i] for (i, k) in enumerate(self.parameter_names)} else: bounds = None # prepare_inputs n_evidence = 20 if "n_evidence" not in kwargs else kwargs["n_evidence"] acq_noise_var = .1 if "acq_noise_var" not in kwargs else kwargs["acq_noise_var"] def create_surrogate_objective(trainer): def surrogate_objective(theta): return trainer.target_model.predict_mean(np.atleast_2d(theta)).item() return surrogate_objective target_model = GPyRegression(parameter_names=self.parameter_names, bounds=bounds) trainer = BoDetereministic(objective=self.objective, prior=self.prior, parameter_names=self.parameter_names, n_evidence=n_evidence, target_name=self.target_name, bounds=bounds, target_model=target_model, acq_noise_var=acq_noise_var) self.surrogate = create_surrogate_objective(trainer) self.bo_process = trainer param_names = self.parameter_names x = batch_to_arr2d(trainer.result.x_min, param_names) x = np.squeeze(x, 0) x_min = x hess_appr = nd.Hessian(self.objective)(x_min) self.result = RomcOptimisationResult(x_min, self.objective(x_min), hess_appr) self.state["attempted"] = True self.state["solved"] = True self.state["has_fit_surrogate"] = True return True def build_region(self, **kwargs) -> bool: """Compute the n-dimensional Bounding Box. Parameters ---------- kwargs: **eps_region (float): threshold for building the region, this kwargument is mandatory **use_surrogate (bool): whether to use the surrogate objective (if it is avalable) for building the proposal region **eta (float) (default = 1.), step along the search direction **K (int) (default = 10), nof refinements **rep_lim (int) (default = 300), nof maximum repetitions Returns ------- bool, whether the region construction was successful """ assert self.state["solved"] # set parameters for the region construction if "use_surrogate" in kwargs: use_surrogate = kwargs["use_surrogate"] else: use_surrogate = True if self.state["has_fit_surrogate"] else False if use_surrogate: assert self.surrogate is not None, \ "You have to first fit a surrogate model, in order to use it." func = self.surrogate if use_surrogate else self.objective self.state["has_built_region_with_surrogate"] = True if use_surrogate else False eta = 1. if "eta" not in kwargs else kwargs["eta"] K = 10 if "K" not in kwargs else kwargs["K"] rep_lim = 300 if "rep_lim" not in kwargs else kwargs["rep_lim"] assert "eps_region" in kwargs, \ "In the current build region implementation, kwargs must contain eps_region" eps_region = kwargs["eps_region"] self.eps_region = eps_region # construct region constructor = RegionConstructor( self.result, func, self.dim, eps_region=eps_region, K=K, eta=eta, rep_lim=rep_lim) self.regions = # update the state self.state["region"] = True return True def fit_local_surrogate(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Fit a local quadratic model for each acceptance region. Parameters ---------- kwargs: **nof_samples (int): how many samples to generate for fitting the local approximator **use_surrogate (bool): whether to use the surrogate model (if it is avalable) for labeling the generated samples Returns ------- None """ def local_surrogate(theta, model_scikit): assert theta.ndim == 1 theta = np.expand_dims(theta, 0) return float(model_scikit.predict(theta)) def create_local_surrogate(model): return partial(local_surrogate, model_scikit=model) nof_samples = 20 if "nof_samples" not in kwargs else kwargs["nof_samples"] if "use_surrogate" not in kwargs: objective = self.objective else: objective = self.surrogate if kwargs["use_surrogate"] else self.objective # fit the surrogate model local_surrogates = [] for i in range(len(self.regions)): # prepare dataset x = self.regions[i].sample(nof_samples) y = np.array([objective(ii) for ii in x]) # fit model model = Pipeline([('poly', PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)), ('linear', LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False))]) model =, y) local_surrogates.append(create_local_surrogate(model)) # update the state self.local_surrogates = local_surrogates self.state["local_surrogates"] = True def visualize_region(self, force_objective: bool = False, samples: typing.Union[np.ndarray, None] = None, savefig: typing.Union[str, None] = None) -> None: """Plot the i-th n-dimensional bounding box region. Parameters ---------- force_objective: if enabled, enforces the use of the objective function (not the surrogate) samples: the samples drawn from this region savefig: the path for saving the plot Returns ------- None """ if not self.state["region"]: print("The specific optimisation problem has not been solved! Please, choose another!") return dim = self.dim # if has_fit_surrogate use it, except if force_objective is on use_objective = (not self.state["has_built_region_with_surrogate"] or force_objective) func = self.objective if use_objective else self.surrogate # choose the first region (so far, we support only one region per objective function region = self.regions[0] if dim == 1: vis_region_1D(func, region, self.nuisance, self.eps_region, samples, use_objective, savefig) else: vis_region_2D(func, region, self.nuisance, samples, use_objective, savefig) class RomcOptimisationResult: """Base class for the optimisation result of the ROMC method.""" def __init__(self, x_min, f_min, hess_appr, jac=None, hess=None, hess_inv=None): """Class constructor. Parameters ---------- x_min: np.ndarray (D,) or float f_min: float jac: np.ndarray (D,) hess_inv: np.ndarray (DxD) """ self.x_min = np.atleast_1d(x_min) self.f_min = f_min self.hess_appr = hess_appr self.jac = jac self.hess = hess self.hess_inv = hess_inv class NDimBoundingBox: """Class for the n-dimensional bounding box built around the optimal point.""" def __init__(self, rotation: np.ndarray, center: np.ndarray, limits: np.ndarray) -> None: """Class initialiser. Parameters ---------- rotation: shape (D,D) rotation matrix, defines the rotation of the bounding box center: shape (D,) center of the bounding box limits: shape (D,2), limits of the bounding box around the center i.e. limits[:,0] (left limits) are negative translations and limits[:,1] (right limits) are positive translations The structure is [[d1_left_shift, d1_right_shift], [d2_left_shift, d2_right_shift], ... , [dD_left_shift, dD_right_shift]] """ # shape assertions assert rotation.ndim == 2 assert center.ndim == 1 assert limits.ndim == 2 assert limits.shape[1] == 2 assert center.shape[0] == rotation.shape[0] == rotation.shape[1] # assert rotation matrix is full-rank i.e. invertible assert np.linalg.matrix_rank(rotation) == rotation.shape[0] # setters self.dim = rotation.shape[0] self.rotation = rotation = center self.limits = self._secure_limits(limits) # compute rotation matrix and volume of the region self.rotation_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.rotation) self.volume = self._compute_volume() def _secure_limits(self, limits: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: limits = limits.astype(float) eps = .001 for i in range(limits.shape[0]): # assert left limits are negative translations assert limits[i, 0] <= 0. # assert right limits are positive translations assert limits[i, 1] >= 0. # if in any dimension, limits too close, move them if math.isclose(limits[i, 0], limits[i, 1], abs_tol=eps): logger.warning("The limits of the " + str(i) + "-th dimension of a bounding " + "box are too narrow (<= " + str(eps) + ")") limits[i, 0] -= eps / 2 limits[i, 1] += eps / 2 return limits def _compute_volume(self): v = self.limits[:, 0] + self.limits[:, 1]) assert v >= 0 return v def contains(self, point): """Check if point is inside the bounding box. Parameters ---------- point: (D, ) Returns ------- True/False """ assert point.ndim == 1 assert point.shape[0] == self.dim # transform point to the bb's coordinate system point =, point) +, # Check if point is inside bounding box inside = True for i in range(point.shape[0]): if (point[i] < self.limits[i][0]) or (point[i] > self.limits[i][1]): inside = False break return inside def sample(self, n2, seed=None): """Sample n2 points from the posterior. Parameters ---------- n2: int seed: seed of the sampling procedure Returns ------- np.ndarray, shape: (n2,D) """ center = limits = self.limits rot = self.rotation loc = limits[:, 0] scale = limits[:, 1] - limits[:, 0] # draw n2 samples theta = [] for i in range(loc.shape[0]): rv = ss.uniform(loc=loc[i], scale=scale[i]) theta.append(rv.rvs(size=(n2, 1), random_state=seed)) theta = np.concatenate(theta, -1) # translate and rotate theta_new =, theta.T).T + center return theta_new def pdf(self, theta: np.ndarray): """Evalute the pdf defined by the bounding box. Parameters ---------- theta: np.ndarray (D,) Returns ------- float """ return self.contains(theta) / self.volume def plot(self, samples): """Plot the bounding box (works only if dim=1 or dim=2). Parameters ---------- samples: np.ndarray, shape: (N, D) Returns ------- None """ R = self.rotation T = lim = self.limits if self.dim == 1: plt.figure() plt.title("Bounding Box region") # plot eigenectors end_point = T + R[0, 0] * lim[0][0] plt.plot([T[0], end_point[0]], [T[1], end_point[1]], "r-o") end_point = T + R[0, 0] * lim[0][1] plt.plot([T[0], end_point[0]], [T[1], end_point[1]], "r-o") plt.plot(samples, np.zeros_like(samples), "bo") plt.legend() else: plt.figure() plt.title("Bounding Box region") # plot sampled points plt.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], "bo", label="samples") # plot eigenectors x = T x1 = T + R[:, 0] * lim[0][0] plt.plot([T[0], x1[0]], [T[1], x1[1]], "y-o", label="-v1") x3 = T + R[:, 0] * lim[0][1] plt.plot([T[0], x3[0]], [T[1], x3[1]], "g-o", label="v1") x2 = T + R[:, 1] * lim[1][0] plt.plot([T[0], x2[0]], [T[1], x2[1]], "k-o", label="-v2") x4 = T + R[:, 1] * lim[1][1] plt.plot([T[0], x4[0]], [T[1], x4[1]], "c-o", label="v2") # plot boundaries def plot_side(x, x1, x2): tmp = x + (x1 - x) + (x2 - x) plt.plot([x1[0], tmp[0], x2[0]], [x1[1], tmp[1], x2[1]], "r-o") plot_side(x, x1, x2) plot_side(x, x2, x3) plot_side(x, x3, x4) plot_side(x, x4, x1) plt.legend() class RegionConstructor: """Class for constructing an n-dim bounding box region.""" def __init__(self, result: RomcOptimisationResult, func: typing.Callable, dim: int, eps_region: float, K: int = 10, eta: float = 1., rep_lim: int = 300): """Class constructor. Parameters ---------- result: RomcOptimisationResult, output of the optimization process func: Callable(np.ndarray) -> float, the objective function dim: int, dimensionality of the problem eps_region: float, threshold for building the region K: int (default = 10), nof refinements eta: float (default = 1.), step along the search direction rep_lim: int (default = 300), nof maximum repetitions eta """ self.res = result self.func = func self.dim = dim self.eps_region = eps_region self.K = K self.eta = eta self.rep_lim = rep_lim def _find_rotation_vector(self, hess_appr: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Return the rotation vector from the hessian approximation. Parameters ---------- hess_appr: np.ndarray (D,D) Returns ------- rotation matrix, np.ndarray(D, D) """ dim = hess_appr.shape[0] # find search lines from the hessian approximation if np.linalg.matrix_rank(hess_appr) != dim: hess_appr = np.eye(dim) eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eig(hess_appr) # if extreme values appear, return the I matrix if np.isnan(np.sum(eig_vec)) or np.isinf(np.sum(eig_vec)) or (eig_vec.dtype == complex):"Eye matrix return as rotation.") eig_vec = np.eye(dim) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(eig_vec) < dim: eig_vec = np.eye(dim) return eig_vec def build(self) -> typing.List[NDimBoundingBox]: """Build the bounding box. Returns ------- List[NDimBoundingBox] """ res = self.res func = self.func dim = self.dim eps = self.eps_region K = self.K eta = self.eta rep_lim = self.rep_lim theta_0 = np.array(res.x_min, dtype=float) rotation = self._find_rotation_vector(res.hess_appr) # compute bounding box bounding_box = [] for d in range(dim): vd = rotation[:, d] # negative side v1 = - line_search(func, theta_0.copy(), -vd, eps, K, eta, rep_lim) # positive side v2 = line_search(func, theta_0.copy(), vd, eps, K, eta, rep_lim) bounding_box.append([v1, v2]) bounding_box = np.array(bounding_box) # shape assertions for the bounding box assert bounding_box.ndim == 2 assert bounding_box.shape[0] == dim assert bounding_box.shape[1] == 2 # return list of bounding boxes with one element only # because in the future we will support more cases bb = [NDimBoundingBox(rotation, theta_0, bounding_box)] return bb def comp_j(f, th_star): # find output dimensionality dim = f(th_star).shape[0] # def create_f_i(f, i): def f_i(th_star): return f(th_star)[i] return f_i jacobian = [] for i in range(dim): f_i = create_f_i(f, i=i) jacobian.append(optim.approx_fprime(th_star, f_i, 1e-7)) jacobian = np.array(jacobian) return jacobian def line_search(f, th_star, vd, eps, K=10, eta=1., rep_lim=300): """Line search algorithm. Parameters ---------- f: Callable(np.ndarray) -> float, the distance function th_star: np.array (D,), starting point vd: np.array (D,) search direction eps: threshold K: int (default = 10), nof refinements eta: float (default = 1.), step along the search direction rep_lim: int (default = 300), nof maximum repetitions Returns ------- float, offset where f(th_star + offset*vd) > eps for the first time """ th = th_star.copy() offset = 0 for i in range(K): # find limit rep = 0 while f(th) < eps and rep <= rep_lim: th += eta * vd offset += eta rep += 1 th -= eta * vd offset -= eta # if repetition limit has been reached, stop if rep > rep_lim: break # divide eta in half eta = eta / 2 # if too small region, put the maximum resolution eta as boundary if offset <= 0: offset = eta return offset def vis_region_1D(func, region, nuisance, eps_region, samples, is_objective, savefig): plt.figure() if is_objective: plt.title("Seed = %d, f = model's objective" % nuisance) else: plt.title("Seed = %d, f = BO surrogate" % nuisance) # plot sampled points if samples is not None: x = samples[:, 0] plt.plot(x, np.zeros_like(x), "bo", label="samples") x = np.linspace( + region.limits[0, 0] - 0.2, + region.limits[0, 1] + 0.2, 30) y = [func(np.atleast_1d(theta)) for theta in x] plt.plot(x, y, 'r--', label="distance") plt.plot(, 0, 'ro', label="center") plt.xlabel("theta") plt.ylabel("distance") plt.axvspan( + region.limits[0, 0], + region.limits[0, 1], label="acceptance region") plt.axhline(eps_region, color="g", label="eps") plt.legend() if savefig: plt.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight') def vis_region_2D(func, region, nuisance, samples, is_objective, savefig): plt.figure() if is_objective: plt.title("Seed = %d, f = model's objective" % nuisance) else: plt.title("Seed = %d, f = BO surrogate" % nuisance) max_offset = np.sqrt( 2 * (np.max(np.abs(region.limits)) ** 2)) + 0.2 x = np.linspace([0] - max_offset,[0] + max_offset, 30) y = np.linspace([1] - max_offset,[1] + max_offset, 30) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) Z = [] for k, ii in enumerate(x): Z.append([]) for kk, jj in enumerate(y): Z[k].append(func(np.array([X[k, kk], Y[k, kk]]))) Z = np.array(Z) plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, 100, cmap="RdGy") plt.plot([0],[1], "ro") # plot sampled points if samples is not None: plt.plot(samples[:, 0], samples[:, 1], "bo", label="samples") # plot eigenectors x = x1 = + region.rotation[:, 0] * region.limits[0][0] plt.plot([x[0], x1[0]], [x[1], x1[1]], "y-o", label="-v1, f(-v1)=%.2f" % (func(x1))) x3 = + region.rotation[:, 0] * region.limits[0][1] plt.plot([x[0], x3[0]], [x[1], x3[1]], "g-o", label="v1, f(v1)=%.2f" % (func(x3))) x2 = + region.rotation[:, 1] * region.limits[1][0] plt.plot([x[0], x2[0]], [x[1], x2[1]], "k-o", label="-v2, f(-v2)=%.2f" % (func(x2))) x4 = + region.rotation[:, 1] * region.limits[1][1] plt.plot([x[0], x4[0]], [x[1], x4[1]], "c-o", label="v2, f(v2)=%.2f" % (func(x3))) # plot boundaries def plot_side(x, x1, x2): tmp = x + (x1 - x) + (x2 - x) plt.plot([x1[0], tmp[0], x2[0]], [x1[1], tmp[1], x2[1]], "r-o") plot_side(x, x1, x2) plot_side(x, x2, x3) plot_side(x, x3, x4) plot_side(x, x4, x1) plt.xlabel("theta 1") plt.ylabel("theta 2") plt.legend() plt.colorbar() if savefig: plt.savefig(savefig, bbox_inches='tight')