Source code for elfi.methods.inference.samplers

"""This module contains sampling based inference methods."""

__all__ = ['Rejection', 'SMC', 'AdaptiveDistanceSMC', 'AdaptiveThresholdSMC']

import logging
from math import ceil

import numpy as np

import elfi.visualization.interactive as visin
from elfi.loader import get_sub_seed
from elfi.methods.density_ratio_estimation import (DensityRatioEstimation,
from elfi.methods.inference.parameter_inference import ParameterInference
from elfi.methods.results import Sample, SmcSample
from elfi.methods.utils import (GMDistribution, arr2d_to_batch,
                                weighted_sample_quantile, weighted_var)
from elfi.model.elfi_model import AdaptiveDistance
from elfi.model.extensions import ModelPrior
from elfi.utils import is_array

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Sampler(ParameterInference):
    def sample(self, n_samples, *args, **kwargs):
        """Sample from the approximate posterior.

        See the other arguments from the `set_objective` method.

        n_samples : int
            Number of samples to generate from the (approximate) posterior

        result : Sample

        bar = kwargs.pop('bar', True) = bar
        return self.infer(n_samples, *args, bar=bar, **kwargs)

    def _extract_result_kwargs(self):
        kwargs = super(Sampler, self)._extract_result_kwargs()
        for state_key in ['threshold', 'accept_rate']:
            if state_key in self.state:
                kwargs[state_key] = self.state[state_key]
        if hasattr(self, 'discrepancy_name'):
            kwargs['discrepancy_name'] = self.discrepancy_name
        return kwargs

[docs]class Rejection(Sampler): """Parallel ABC rejection sampler. For a description of the rejection sampler and a general introduction to ABC, see e.g. Lintusaari et al. 2016. References ---------- Lintusaari J, Gutmann M U, Dutta R, Kaski S, Corander J (2016). Fundamentals and Recent Developments in Approximate Bayesian Computation. Systematic Biology. """ def __init__(self, model, discrepancy_name=None, output_names=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the Rejection sampler. Parameters ---------- model : ElfiModel or NodeReference discrepancy_name : str, NodeReference, optional Only needed if model is an ElfiModel output_names : list, optional Additional outputs from the model to be included in the inference result, e.g. corresponding summaries to the acquired samples kwargs: See ParameterInference """ model, discrepancy_name = self._resolve_model(model, discrepancy_name) output_names = [discrepancy_name] + model.parameter_names + (output_names or []) self.adaptive = isinstance(model[discrepancy_name], AdaptiveDistance) if self.adaptive: model[discrepancy_name].init_adaptation_round() # Summaries are needed as adaptation data self.sums = [ for sumstat in model[discrepancy_name].parents] for k in self.sums: if k not in output_names: output_names.append(k) super(Rejection, self).__init__(model, output_names, **kwargs) self.discrepancy_name = discrepancy_name
[docs] def set_objective(self, n_samples, threshold=None, quantile=None, n_sim=None): """Set objective for inference. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int number of samples to generate threshold : float Acceptance threshold quantile : float In between (0,1). Define the threshold as the p-quantile of all the simulations. n_sim = n_samples/quantile. n_sim : int Total number of simulations. The threshold will be the n_samples-th smallest discrepancy among n_sim simulations. """ if quantile is None and threshold is None and n_sim is None: quantile = .01 self.state = dict(samples=None, threshold=np.Inf, n_sim=0, accept_rate=1, n_batches=0) if quantile: n_sim = ceil(n_samples / quantile) # Set initial n_batches estimate if n_sim: n_batches = ceil(n_sim / self.batch_size) else: n_batches = self.max_parallel_batches self.objective = dict(n_samples=n_samples, threshold=threshold, n_batches=n_batches) # Reset the inference self.batches.reset()
[docs] def update(self, batch, batch_index): """Update the inference state with a new batch. Parameters ---------- batch : dict dict with `self.outputs` as keys and the corresponding outputs for the batch as values batch_index : int """ super(Rejection, self).update(batch, batch_index) if self.state['samples'] is None: # Lazy initialization of the outputs dict self._init_samples_lazy(batch) self._merge_batch(batch) self._update_state_meta() self._update_objective_n_batches()
[docs] def extract_result(self): """Extract the result from the current state. Returns ------- result : Sample """ if self.state['samples'] is None: raise ValueError('Nothing to extract') if self.adaptive: self._update_distances() # Take out the correct number of samples outputs = dict() for k, v in self.state['samples'].items(): outputs[k] = v[:self.objective['n_samples']] return Sample(outputs=outputs, **self._extract_result_kwargs())
def _init_samples_lazy(self, batch): """Initialize the outputs dict based on the received batch.""" samples = {} e_noarr = "Node {} output must be in a numpy array of length {} (batch_size)." e_len = "Node {} output has array length {}. It should be equal to the batch size {}." for node in self.output_names: # Check the requested outputs if node not in batch: raise KeyError( "Did not receive outputs for node {}".format(node)) nbatch = batch[node] if not is_array(nbatch): raise ValueError(e_noarr.format(node, self.batch_size)) elif len(nbatch) != self.batch_size: raise ValueError(e_len.format( node, len(nbatch), self.batch_size)) # Prepare samples shape = (self.objective['n_samples'] + self.batch_size, ) + nbatch.shape[1:] dtype = nbatch.dtype if node == self.discrepancy_name: # Initialize the distances to inf samples[node] = np.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) * np.inf else: samples[node] = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) self.state['samples'] = samples def _merge_batch(self, batch): # TODO: add index vector so that you can recover the original order samples = self.state['samples'] # Add current batch to adaptation data if self.adaptive: observed_sums = [batch[s] for s in self.sums] self.model[self.discrepancy_name].add_data(*observed_sums) # Check acceptance condition if self.objective.get('threshold') is None: accepted = slice(None, None) num_accepted = self.batch_size else: accepted = batch[self.discrepancy_name] <= self.objective.get('threshold') accepted = np.all(np.atleast_2d(np.transpose(accepted)), axis=0) num_accepted = np.sum(accepted) # Put the acquired samples to the end if num_accepted > 0: for node, v in samples.items(): v[-num_accepted:] = batch[node][accepted] # Sort the smallest to the beginning # note: last (-1) distance measure is used when distance calculation is nested sort_distance = np.atleast_2d(np.transpose(samples[self.discrepancy_name]))[-1] sort_mask = np.argsort(sort_distance) for k, v in samples.items(): v[:] = v[sort_mask] def _update_state_meta(self): """Update `n_sim`, `threshold`, and `accept_rate`.""" o = self.objective s = self.state s['threshold'] = s['samples'][self.discrepancy_name][o['n_samples'] - 1] s['accept_rate'] = min(1, o['n_samples'] / s['n_sim']) def _update_objective_n_batches(self): # Only in the case that the threshold is used if self.objective.get('threshold') is None: return s = self.state t, n_samples = [self.objective.get(k) for k in ('threshold', 'n_samples')] # noinspection PyTypeChecker if s['samples']: accepted = s['samples'][self.discrepancy_name] <= t n_acceptable = np.sum(np.all(np.atleast_2d(np.transpose(accepted)), axis=0)) else: n_acceptable = 0 if n_acceptable == 0: # No acceptable samples found yet, increase n_batches of objective by one in # order to keep simulating n_batches = self.objective['n_batches'] + 1 else: accept_rate_t = n_acceptable / s['n_sim'] # Add some margin to estimated n_batches. One could also use confidence # bounds here margin = .2 * self.batch_size * int(n_acceptable < n_samples) n_batches = (n_samples / accept_rate_t + margin) / self.batch_size n_batches = ceil(n_batches) self.objective['n_batches'] = n_batches logger.debug('Estimated objective n_batches=%d' % self.objective['n_batches']) def _update_distances(self): # Update adaptive distance node self.model[self.discrepancy_name].update_distance() # Recalculate distances in current sample nums = self.objective['n_samples'] data = {s: self.state['samples'][s][:nums] for s in self.sums} ds = self.model[self.discrepancy_name].generate(with_values=data) # Sort based on new distance measure sort_distance = np.atleast_2d(np.transpose(ds))[-1] sort_mask = np.argsort(sort_distance) # Update state self.state['samples'][self.discrepancy_name] = sort_distance for k in self.state['samples'].keys(): if k != self.discrepancy_name: self.state['samples'][k][:nums] = self.state['samples'][k][sort_mask] self._update_state_meta()
[docs] def plot_state(self, **options): """Plot the current state of the inference algorithm. This feature is still experimental and only supports 1d or 2d cases. """ displays = [] if options.get('interactive'): from IPython import display displays.append( display.HTML('<span>Threshold: {}</span>'.format(self.state['threshold']))) visin.plot_sample( self.state['samples'], nodes=self.parameter_names, n=self.objective['n_samples'], displays=displays, **options)
[docs]class SMC(Sampler): """Sequential Monte Carlo ABC sampler.""" def __init__(self, model, discrepancy_name=None, output_names=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the SMC-ABC sampler. Parameters ---------- model : ElfiModel or NodeReference discrepancy_name : str, NodeReference, optional Only needed if model is an ElfiModel output_names : list, optional Additional outputs from the model to be included in the inference result, e.g. corresponding summaries to the acquired samples kwargs: See ParameterInference """ model, discrepancy_name = self._resolve_model(model, discrepancy_name) output_names = [discrepancy_name] + model.parameter_names + (output_names or []) super(SMC, self).__init__(model, output_names, **kwargs) self._prior = ModelPrior(self.model) self.discrepancy_name = discrepancy_name self.state['round'] = 0 self._populations = [] self._rejection = None self._round_random_state = None self._quantiles = None
[docs] def set_objective(self, n_samples, thresholds=None, quantiles=None): """Set objective for ABC-SMC inference. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples to generate thresholds : list, optional List of thresholds for ABC-SMC quantiles : list, optional List of selection quantiles used to determine sample thresholds """ if thresholds is None and quantiles is None: raise ValueError("Either thresholds or quantiles is required to run ABC-SMC.") if thresholds is None: rounds = len(quantiles) - 1 else: rounds = len(thresholds) - 1 # Take previous iterations into account in case continued estimation self.state['round'] = len(self._populations) rounds = rounds + self.state['round'] if thresholds is None: thresholds = np.full((rounds+1), None) self._quantiles = np.concatenate((np.full((self.state['round']), None), quantiles)) else: thresholds = np.concatenate((np.full((self.state['round']), None), thresholds)) self.objective.update( dict( n_samples=n_samples, n_batches=self.max_parallel_batches, round=rounds, thresholds=thresholds)) self._init_new_round() self._update_objective()
[docs] def extract_result(self): """Extract the result from the current state. Returns ------- SmcSample """ # Extract information from the population pop = self._extract_population() self._populations.append(pop) return SmcSample( outputs=pop.outputs, populations=self._populations.copy(), weights=pop.weights, threshold=pop.threshold, **self._extract_result_kwargs())
[docs] def update(self, batch, batch_index): """Update the inference state with a new batch. Parameters ---------- batch : dict dict with `self.outputs` as keys and the corresponding outputs for the batch as values batch_index : int """ super(SMC, self).update(batch, batch_index) self._rejection.update(batch, batch_index) if self._rejection.finished: self.batches.cancel_pending() if self.progress_bar.update_progressbar(self.progress_bar.scaling + 1, self.progress_bar.scaling + 1) if self.state['round'] < self.objective['round']: self._populations.append(self._extract_population()) self.state['round'] += 1 self._init_new_round() self._update_objective()
[docs] def prepare_new_batch(self, batch_index): """Prepare values for a new batch. Parameters ---------- batch_index : int next batch_index to be submitted Returns ------- batch : dict or None Keys should match to node names in the model. These values will override any default values or operations in those nodes. """ if self.state['round'] == 0: # Use the actual prior return # Sample from the proposal, condition on actual prior params = GMDistribution.rvs(*self._gm_params, size=self.batch_size, prior_logpdf=self._prior.logpdf, random_state=self._round_random_state) batch = arr2d_to_batch(params, self.parameter_names) return batch
def _init_new_round(self): self._set_rejection_round(self.state['round']) if self.state['round'] == 0 and self._quantiles is not None: self._rejection.set_objective( self.objective['n_samples'], quantile=self._quantiles[0]) else: if self._quantiles is not None: self._set_threshold() self._rejection.set_objective( self.objective['n_samples'], threshold=self.current_population_threshold) def _set_rejection_round(self, round): self._update_round_info(self.state['round']) # Get a subseed for this round for ensuring consistent results for the round seed = self.seed if round == 0 else get_sub_seed(self.seed, round) self._round_random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed) self._rejection = Rejection( self.model, discrepancy_name=self.discrepancy_name, output_names=self.output_names, batch_size=self.batch_size, seed=seed, max_parallel_batches=self.max_parallel_batches) def _update_round_info(self, round): if reinit_msg = 'ABC-SMC Round {0} / {1}'.format( round + 1, self.objective['round'] + 1) self.progress_bar.reinit_progressbar( scaling=(self.state['n_batches']), reinit_msg=reinit_msg) dashes = '-' * 16'%s Starting round %d %s' % (dashes, round, dashes)) def _extract_population(self): sample = self._rejection.extract_result() # Append the sample object sample.method_name = "Rejection within SMC-ABC" means, w, cov = self._compute_weights_means_and_cov(sample) sample.means = means sample.weights = w sample.meta['cov'] = cov return sample def _compute_weights_means_and_cov(self, pop): params = np.column_stack(tuple([pop.outputs[p] for p in self.parameter_names])) if self._populations: q_logpdf = GMDistribution.logpdf(params, *self._gm_params) p_logpdf = self._prior.logpdf(params) w = np.exp(p_logpdf - q_logpdf) else: w = np.ones(pop.n_samples) means = params.copy() if np.count_nonzero(w) == 0: raise RuntimeError("All sample weights are zero. If you are using a prior " "with a bounded support, this may be caused by specifying " "a too small sample size.") # New covariance cov = 2 * np.diag(weighted_var(params, w)) if not np.all(np.isfinite(cov)): logger.warning("Could not estimate the sample covariance. This is often " "caused by majority of the sample weights becoming zero." "Falling back to using unit covariance.") cov = np.diag(np.ones(params.shape[1])) return means, w, cov def _update_objective(self): """Update the objective n_batches.""" n_batches = sum([pop.n_batches for pop in self._populations]) self.objective['n_batches'] = n_batches + \ self._rejection.objective['n_batches'] def _set_threshold(self): previous_population = self._populations[self.state['round']-1] threshold = weighted_sample_quantile( x=previous_population.discrepancies, alpha=self._quantiles[self.state['round']], weights=previous_population.weights)'ABC-SMC: Selected threshold for next population %.3f' % (threshold)) self.objective['thresholds'][self.state['round']] = threshold @property def _gm_params(self): sample = self._populations[-1] return sample.means, sample.cov, sample.weights @property def current_population_threshold(self): """Return the threshold for current population.""" return self.objective['thresholds'][self.state['round']]
[docs]class AdaptiveDistanceSMC(SMC): """SMC-ABC sampler with adaptive threshold and distance function. Notes ----- Algorithm 5 in Prangle (2017) References ---------- Prangle D (2017). Adapting the ABC Distance Function. Bayesian Analysis 12(1):289-309, 2017. """ def __init__(self, model, discrepancy_name=None, output_names=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the adaptive distance SMC-ABC sampler. Parameters ---------- model : ElfiModel or NodeReference discrepancy_name : str, NodeReference, optional Only needed if model is an ElfiModel output_names : list, optional Additional outputs from the model to be included in the inference result, e.g. corresponding summaries to the acquired samples kwargs: See ParameterInference """ model, discrepancy_name = self._resolve_model(model, discrepancy_name) if not isinstance(model[discrepancy_name], AdaptiveDistance): raise TypeError('This method requires an adaptive distance node.') # Initialise adaptive distance node model[discrepancy_name].init_state() # Add summaries in additional outputs as these are needed to update the distance node sums = [ for sumstat in model[discrepancy_name].parents] if output_names is None: output_names = sums else: for k in sums: if k not in output_names: output_names.append(k) super(AdaptiveDistanceSMC, self).__init__(model, discrepancy_name, output_names=output_names, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_objective(self, n_samples, rounds, quantile=0.5): """Set objective for adaptive distance ABC-SMC inference. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples to generate rounds : int, optional Number of populations to sample quantile : float, optional Selection quantile used to determine sample thresholds """ super(AdaptiveDistanceSMC, self).set_objective(ceil(n_samples/quantile), quantiles=[1]*rounds) self.population_size = n_samples self.quantile = quantile
def _extract_population(self): # Extract population and metadata based on rejection sample rejection_sample = self._rejection.extract_result() outputs = dict() for k in self.output_names: outputs[k] = rejection_sample.outputs[k][:self.population_size] meta = rejection_sample.meta meta['adaptive_distance_w'] = self.model[self.discrepancy_name].state['w'][-1] meta['threshold'] = max(outputs[self.discrepancy_name]) meta['accept_rate'] = self.population_size/meta['n_sim'] method_name = "Rejection within adaptive distance SMC-ABC" sample = Sample(method_name, outputs, self.parameter_names, **meta) # Append the sample object means, w, cov = self._compute_weights_means_and_cov(sample) sample.means = means sample.weights = w sample.meta['cov'] = cov return sample def _extract_result_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(AdaptiveDistanceSMC, self)._extract_result_kwargs() kwargs['adaptive_distance_w'] = [pop.adaptive_distance_w for pop in self._populations] return kwargs def _set_threshold(self): round = self.state['round'] self.objective['thresholds'][round] = self._populations[round-1].threshold @property def current_population_threshold(self): """Return the threshold for current population.""" return [np.inf] + [pop.threshold for pop in self._populations]
[docs]class AdaptiveThresholdSMC(SMC): """ABC-SMC sampler with adaptive threshold selection. References ---------- Simola U, Cisewski-Kehe J, Gutmann M U, Corander J (2021). Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computation Tolerance Selection. Bayesian Analysis. """ def __init__(self, model, discrepancy_name=None, output_names=None, initial_quantile=0.20, q_threshold=0.99, densratio_estimation=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the adaptive threshold SMC-ABC sampler. Parameters ---------- model : ElfiModel or NodeReference discrepancy_name : str, NodeReference, optional Only needed if model is an ElfiModel output_names : list, optional Additional outputs from the model to be included in the inference result, e.g. corresponding summaries to the acquired samples initial_quantile : float, optional Initial selection quantile for the first round of adaptive-ABC-SMC q_threshold : float, optional Termination criteratia for adaptive-ABC-SMC densratio_estimation : DensityRatioEstimation, optional Density ratio estimation object defining parameters for KLIEP kwargs: See ParameterInference """ model, discrepancy_name = self._resolve_model(model, discrepancy_name) output_names = [discrepancy_name] + model.parameter_names + (output_names or []) super(SMC, self).__init__(model, output_names, **kwargs) self._prior = ModelPrior(self.model) self.discrepancy_name = discrepancy_name self.state['round'] = 0 self._populations = [] self._rejection = None self._round_random_state = None self.q_threshold = q_threshold self.initial_quantile = initial_quantile self.densratio = densratio_estimation or DensityRatioEstimation(n=100, epsilon=0.001, max_iter=200, abs_tol=0.01, fold=5, optimize=False)
[docs] def set_objective(self, n_samples, max_iter=10): """Set objective for ABC-SMC inference. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples to generate thresholds : list, optional List of thresholds for ABC-SMC max_iter : int, optional Maximum number of iterations """ rounds = max_iter - 1 # Take previous iterations into account in case continued estimation self.state['round'] = len(self._populations) rounds = rounds + self.state['round'] # Initialise threshold selection and adaptive quantile thresholds = np.full((rounds+1), None) self._quantiles = np.full((rounds+1), None) self._quantiles[0] = self.initial_quantile self.objective.update( dict( n_samples=n_samples, n_batches=self.max_parallel_batches, round=rounds, thresholds=thresholds)) self._init_new_round() self._update_objective()
[docs] def update(self, batch, batch_index): """Update the inference state with a new batch. Parameters ---------- batch : dict dict with `self.outputs` as keys and the corresponding outputs for the batch as values batch_index : int """ super(SMC, self).update(batch, batch_index) self._rejection.update(batch, batch_index) if self._rejection.finished: self.batches.cancel_pending() if self.progress_bar.update_progressbar(self.progress_bar.scaling + 1, self.progress_bar.scaling + 1) self._new_population = self._extract_population() if self.state['round'] < self.objective['round']: self._set_adaptive_quantile() if self._quantiles[self.state['round']+1] < self.q_threshold: self._populations.append(self._new_population) self.state['round'] += 1 self._init_new_round() self._update_objective()
def _set_adaptive_quantile(self): """Set adaptively the new threshold for current population.""""ABC-SMC: Adapting quantile threshold...") sample_data_current = self._resolve_sample(backwards_index=0) sample_data_previous = self._resolve_sample(backwards_index=-1) if self.densratio.optimize: sigma = list(10.0 ** np.arange(-1, 6)) else: sigma = calculate_densratio_basis_sigma(sample_data_current['sigma_max'], sample_data_previous['sigma_max'])['samples'], y=sample_data_previous['samples'], weights_x=sample_data_current['weights'], weights_y=sample_data_previous['weights'], sigma=sigma) max_value = self.densratio.max_ratio() max_value = 1.0 if max_value < 1.0 else max_value self._quantiles[self.state['round']+1] = max(1 / max_value, 0.05)'ABC-SMC: Estimated maximum density ratio %.5f' % (1 / max_value)) def _resolve_sample(self, backwards_index): """Get properties of the samples used in ratio estimation.""" if self.state['round'] + backwards_index < 0: return self._densityratio_initial_sample() elif backwards_index == 0: sample = self._new_population else: sample = self._populations[backwards_index] weights = sample.weights samples = sample.samples_array sample_sigma = np.sqrt(np.diag(sample.cov)) sigma_max = np.min(sample_sigma) sample_data = dict(samples=samples, weights=weights, sigma_max=sigma_max) return sample_data def _densityratio_initial_sample(self): n_samples = self._new_population.weights.shape[0] samples = self._prior.rvs(size=n_samples, random_state=self._round_random_state) weights = np.ones(n_samples) sample_cov = np.atleast_2d(np.cov(samples.reshape(n_samples, -1), rowvar=False)) sigma_max = np.min(np.sqrt(np.diag(sample_cov))) return dict(samples=samples, weights=weights, sigma_max=sigma_max)