"""Post-processing for posterior samples from other ABC algorithms.
Fundamentals and Recent Developments in Approximate Bayesian Computation
Lintusaari et. al
Syst Biol (2017) 66 (1): e66-e82.
import warnings
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from . import results
__all__ = ('LinearAdjustment', 'adjust_posterior')
class RegressionAdjustment(object):
"""Base class for regression adjustments.
Each parameter is assumed to be a scalar. A local regression is
fitted for each parameter individually using the values of the
summary statistics as the regressors. The regression model can be
any object implementing a `fit()` method. All keyword arguments
given to the constructor are passed to the regression model.
Subclasses need to implement the methods `_adjust` and
`_input_variables`. They must also specify the class variables
`_regression_model` and `_name`. See the individual documentation
and the `LinearAdjustment` class for further detail.
keyword arguments to pass to the regression model
a list of fitted regression model instances
a list of parameter names
the sample object from an ABC algorithm
the regressors for the regression model
_regression_model = None
_name = 'RegressionAdjustment'
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._model_kwargs = kwargs
self._fitted = False
self.regression_models = []
self._X = None
self._sample = None
self._parameter_names = None
self._finite = []
def parameter_names(self):
return self._parameter_names
def sample(self):
return self._sample
def X(self):
return self._X
def _check_fitted(self):
if not self._fitted:
raise ValueError("The regression model must be fitted first. " "Use the fit() method.")
def fit(self, sample, model, summary_names, parameter_names=None):
"""Fit a regression adjustment model to the posterior sample.
Non-finite values in the summary statistics and parameters
will be omitted.
sample : elfi.methods.Sample
a sample object from an ABC method
model : elfi.ElfiModel
the inference model
summary_names : list[str]
a list of names for the summary nodes
parameter_names : list[str] (optional)
a list of parameter names
self._X = self._input_variables(model, sample, summary_names)
self._sample = sample
self._parameter_names = parameter_names or sample.parameter_names
for pair in self._pairs():
self._fitted = True
def _fit1(self, X, y):
return self._regression_model(**self._model_kwargs).fit(X, y)
def _pairs(self):
# TODO: Access the variables through the getters
for (i, name) in enumerate(self._parameter_names):
X = self._X[self._finite[i], :]
p = self._sample.outputs[name][self._finite[i]]
yield X, p
def adjust(self):
"""Adjust the posterior.
Only the non-finite values used to fit the regression model
will be adjusted.
a Sample object containing the adjusted posterior
outputs = {}
for (i, name) in enumerate(self.parameter_names):
theta_i = self.sample.outputs[name][self._finite[i]]
adjusted = self._adjust(i, theta_i, self.regression_models[i])
outputs[name] = adjusted
res = results.Sample(
method_name=self._name, outputs=outputs, parameter_names=self._parameter_names)
return res
def _adjust(self, i, theta_i, regression_model):
"""Adjust a single parameter using a fitted regression model.
i : int
the index of the parameter
theta_i : np.ndarray
a vector of parameter values to adjust
a fitted regression model
adjusted_theta_i : np.ndarray
an adjusted version of the parameter values
raise NotImplementedError
def _input_variables(self, model, sample, summary_names):
"""Construct a matrix of regressors.
model : elfi.ElfiModel
the inference model
a sample object from an ABC algorithm
summary_names : list[str]
names of the summary nodes
a numpy array of regressors
raise NotImplementedError
def _get_finite(self):
# TODO: Access the variables through the getters
finite_inputs = np.isfinite(self._X).all(axis=1)
finite = [
finite_inputs & np.isfinite(self._sample.outputs[p]) for p in self._parameter_names
all_finite = all(map(all, finite))
self._finite = finite
if not (all(finite_inputs) and all_finite):
warnings.warn("Non-finite inputs and outputs will be omitted.")
[docs]class LinearAdjustment(RegressionAdjustment):
"""Regression adjustment using a local linear model."""
_regression_model = LinearRegression
_name = 'LinearAdjustment'
def _adjust(self, i, theta_i, regression_model):
b = regression_model.coef_
return theta_i - self.X[self._finite[i], :].dot(b)
def _input_variables(self, model, sample, summary_names):
"""Regress on the differences to the observed summaries."""
observed_summaries = np.stack([model[s].observed for s in summary_names], axis=1)
summaries = np.stack([sample.outputs[name] for name in summary_names], axis=1)
return summaries - observed_summaries
[docs]def adjust_posterior(sample, model, summary_names, parameter_names=None, adjustment='linear'):
"""Adjust the posterior using local regression.
Note that the summary nodes need to be explicitly included to the
sample object with the `output_names` keyword argument when performing
the inference.
sample : elfi.methods.results.Sample
a sample object from an ABC algorithm
model : elfi.ElfiModel
the inference model
summary_names : list[str]
names of the summary nodes
parameter_names : list[str] (optional)
names of the parameters
adjustment : RegressionAdjustment or string
a regression adjustment object or a string specification
Accepted values for the string specification:
- 'linear'
a Sample object with the adjusted posterior
>>> import elfi
>>> from elfi.examples import gauss
>>> m = gauss.get_model()
>>> res = elfi.Rejection(m['d'], output_names=['ss_mean', 'ss_var'],
... batch_size=10).sample(500, bar=False)
>>> adj = adjust_posterior(res, m, ['ss_mean', 'ss_var'], ['mu'], LinearAdjustment())
adjustment = _get_adjustment(adjustment)
model=model, sample=sample, parameter_names=parameter_names, summary_names=summary_names)
return adjustment.adjust()
def _get_adjustment(adjustment):
adjustments = {'linear': LinearAdjustment}
if isinstance(adjustment, RegressionAdjustment):
return adjustment
elif isinstance(adjustment, str):
return adjustments.get(adjustment, None)()
except TypeError:
raise ValueError("Could not find " "adjustment method:{}".format(adjustment))