Source code for elfi.visualization.visualization

"""This module includes common functions for visualization."""

from collections import OrderedDict

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as ss

from elfi.model.elfi_model import Constant, ElfiModel, NodeReference

def nx_draw(G, internal=False, param_names=False, filename=None, format=None):
    """Draw the `ElfiModel`.

    G : nx.DiGraph or ElfiModel
        Graph or model to draw
    internal : boolean, optional
        Whether to draw internal nodes (starting with an underscore)
    param_names : bool, optional
        Show param names on edges
    filename : str, optional
        If given, save the dot file into the given filename.
    format : str, optional
        format of the file

    Requires the optional 'graphviz' library.

        A GraphViz dot representation of the model.

        from graphviz import Digraph
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError("The graphviz library is required for this feature.")

    if isinstance(G, ElfiModel):
        G = G.source_net
    elif isinstance(G, NodeReference):
        G = G.model.source_net

    dot = Digraph(format=format)

    hidden = set()

    for n, state in G.nodes(data=True):
        if not internal and n[0] == '_' and state['attr_dict'].get('_class') == Constant:
        _format = {'shape': 'circle', 'fillcolor': 'gray80', 'style': 'solid'}
        if state['attr_dict'].get('_observable'):
            _format['style'] = 'filled'
        dot.node(n, **_format)

    # add edges to graph
    for u, v, label in G.edges(data='param', default=''):
        if not internal and u in hidden:

        label = label if param_names else ''
        dot.edge(u, v, str(label))

    if filename is not None:

    return dot

def _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs):
    """Check the axes and create them if necessary.

    axes : plt.Axes or arraylike of plt.Axes
    shape : tuple of int
        (x,) or (x,y)

    axes : np.array of plt.Axes
    kwargs : dict
        Input kwargs without items related to creating a figure.

    fig_kwargs = {}
    kwargs['figsize'] = kwargs.get('figsize', (4 * shape[1], 4 * shape[0]))
    for k in ['figsize', 'sharex', 'sharey', 'dpi', 'num']:
        if k in kwargs.keys():
            fig_kwargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k)

    if axes is not None:
        axes = np.atleast_2d(axes)
        fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=shape[1], nrows=shape[0], **fig_kwargs)
        axes = np.reshape(axes, shape)
        fig.tight_layout(pad=2.0, h_pad=1.08, w_pad=1.08)
        fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2)

    return axes, kwargs

def _limit_params(samples, selector=None):
    """Pick only the selected parameters from all samples.

    samples : OrderedDict of np.arrays
    selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional
        Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all.

    selected : OrderedDict of np.arrays

    if selector is None:
        return samples
        selected = OrderedDict()
        for ii, k in enumerate(samples):
            if ii in selector or k in selector:
                selected[k] = samples[k]
        return selected

def plot_marginals(samples, selector=None, bins=20, axes=None,
                   reference_value=None, **kwargs):
    """Plot marginal distributions for parameters.

    samples : OrderedDict of np.arrays
    selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional
        Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all.
    bins : int, optional
        Number of bins in histogram.
    axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional

    axes : np.array of plt.Axes

    ncols = len(samples.keys()) if len(samples.keys()) < 5 else 5
    ncols = kwargs.pop('ncols', ncols)
    samples = _limit_params(samples, selector)
    shape = (-(len(samples) // -ncols), min(len(samples), ncols))
    axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs)

    axes = axes.ravel()
    for idx, key in enumerate(samples.keys()):
        if reference_value is not None:
            axes[idx].plot(reference_value[key], 0,
        if ('kde' in kwargs):
            kde = ss.gaussian_kde(samples[key])
            xs = np.linspace(min(samples[key]), max(samples[key]))
            axes[idx].plot(xs, kde(xs))
            axes[idx].hist(samples[key], bins=bins, **kwargs)
    for idx in range(len(samples), len(axes)):
    return axes

def plot_pairs(samples,
    """Plot pairwise relationships as a matrix with marginals on the diagonal.

    The y-axis of marginal histograms are scaled.

    samples : OrderedDict of np.arrays
    selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional
        Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all.
    bins : int, optional
        Number of bins in histograms.
    reference_value: dict, optional
        Dictionary containing reference values for parameters.
    axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional
    draw_upper_triagonal: boolean, optional
        Boolean indicating whether to draw symmetric upper triagonal part.

    axes : np.array of plt.Axes

    samples = _limit_params(samples, selector)
    shape = (len(samples), len(samples))
    edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', 'black')
    dot_size = kwargs.pop('s', 2)
    axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs)

    for idx_row, key_row in enumerate(samples):
        min_samples = samples[key_row].min()
        max_samples = samples[key_row].max()
        for idx_col, key_col in enumerate(samples):
            if idx_row == idx_col:
                axes[idx_row, idx_col].hist(samples[key_row], bins=bins, density=True, **kwargs)
                if reference_value is not None:
                    axes[idx_row, idx_col].plot(
                        reference_value[key_row], 0,
                axes[idx_row, idx_col].get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([])
                axes[idx_row, idx_col].set(xlim=(min_samples, max_samples))
                if (idx_row > idx_col) or draw_upper_triagonal:
                    axes[idx_row, idx_col].plot(samples[key_col],
                    if reference_value is not None:
                        axes[idx_row, idx_col].plot(
                            [samples[key_col].min(), samples[key_col].max()],
                            [reference_value[key_row], reference_value[key_row]],
                            color='red', alpha=0.8, linewidth=2)
                        axes[idx_row, idx_col].plot(
                            [reference_value[key_col], reference_value[key_col]],
                            [samples[key_row].min(), samples[key_row].max()],
                            color='red', alpha=0.8, linewidth=2)

                    axes[idx_row, idx_col].axis([samples[key_col].min(),
                    if idx_row < idx_col:
                        axes[idx_row, idx_col].axis('off')

        axes[idx_row, 0].set_ylabel(key_row)
        axes[-1, idx_row].set_xlabel(key_row)

    return axes

def plot_traces(result, selector=None, axes=None, **kwargs):
    """Trace plot for MCMC samples.

    The black vertical lines indicate the used warmup.

    result : Result_BOLFI
    selector : iterable of ints or strings, optional
        Indices or keys to use from samples. Default to all.
    axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional

    axes : np.array of plt.Axes

    samples_sel = _limit_params(result.samples, selector)
    shape = (len(samples_sel), result.n_chains)
    kwargs['sharex'] = 'all'
    kwargs['sharey'] = 'row'
    axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs)

    i1 = 0
    for i2, k in enumerate(result.samples):
        if k in samples_sel:
            for i3 in range(result.n_chains):
                axes[i1, i3].plot(result.chains[i3, :, i2], **kwargs)
                axes[i1, i3].axvline(result.warmup, color='black')

            axes[i1, 0].set_ylabel(k)
            i1 += 1

    for ii in range(result.n_chains):
        axes[-1, ii].set_xlabel('Iterations in Chain {}'.format(ii))

    return axes

[docs]def plot_params_vs_node(node, n_samples=100, func=None, seed=None, axes=None, **kwargs): """Plot some realizations of parameters vs. `node`. Useful e.g. for exploring how a summary statistic varies with parameters. Currently only nodes with scalar output are supported, though a function `func` can be given to reduce node output. This allows giving the simulator as the `node` and applying a summarizing function without incorporating it into the ELFI graph. If `node` is one of the model parameters, its histogram is plotted. Parameters ---------- node : elfi.NodeReference The node which to evaluate. Its output must be scalar (shape=(batch_size,1)). n_samples : int, optional How many samples to plot. func : callable, optional A function to apply to node output. seed : int, optional axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes """ model = node.model parameters = model.parameter_names node_name = if node_name in parameters: outputs = [node_name] shape = (1, 1) bins = kwargs.pop('bins', 20) else: outputs = parameters + [node_name] n_params = len(parameters) ncols = n_params if n_params < 5 else 5 ncols = kwargs.pop('ncols', ncols) edgecolor = kwargs.pop('edgecolor', 'none') dot_size = kwargs.pop('s', 20) shape = (1 + n_params // (ncols + 1), ncols) data = model.generate(batch_size=n_samples, outputs=outputs, seed=seed) if func is not None: if hasattr(func, '__name__'): node_name = func.__name__ else: node_name = 'func' data[node_name] = func(data[]) # leaves rest of the code unmodified if data[node_name].shape != (n_samples,): raise NotImplementedError("The plotted quantity must have shape ({},), was {}." .format(n_samples, data[node_name].shape)) axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, sharey=True, **kwargs) axes = axes.ravel() if len(outputs) == 1: axes[0].hist(data[node_name], bins=bins, normed=True) axes[0].set_xlabel(node_name) else: for idx, key in enumerate(parameters): axes[idx].scatter(data[key], data[node_name], s=dot_size, edgecolor=edgecolor, **kwargs) axes[idx].set_xlabel(key) axes[0].set_ylabel(node_name) for idx in range(len(parameters), len(axes)): axes[idx].set_axis_off() return axes
def plot_discrepancy(gp, parameter_names, axes=None, **kwargs): """Plot acquired parameters vs. resulting discrepancy. Parameters ---------- axes : plt.Axes or arraylike of plt.Axes gp : GPyRegression target model, required parameter_names : dict, required Parameter names from model.parameters dict('parameter_name':(lower, upper), ... )` Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes """ n_plots = gp.input_dim ncols = len(gp.bounds) if len(gp.bounds) < 5 else 5 ncols = kwargs.pop('ncols', ncols) kwargs['sharey'] = kwargs.get('sharey', True) if n_plots > 10: shape = (1 + (1 + n_plots) // (ncols + 1), ncols) else: shape = (1 + n_plots // (ncols + 1), ncols) axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs) axes = axes.ravel() for ii in range(n_plots): axes[ii].scatter(gp.X[:, ii], gp.Y[:, 0], **kwargs) axes[ii].set_xlabel(parameter_names[ii]) if ii % ncols == 0: axes[ii].set_ylabel('Discrepancy') for idx in range(len(parameter_names), len(axes)): axes[idx].set_axis_off() return axes def plot_gp(gp, parameter_names, axes=None, resol=50, const=None, bounds=None, true_params=None, **kwargs): """Plot pairwise relationships as a matrix with parameters vs. discrepancy. Parameters ---------- gp : GPyRegression, required parameter_names : list, required Parameter names in format ['mu_0', 'mu_1', ..] axes : plt.Axes or arraylike of plt.Axes resol : int, optional Resolution of the plotted grid. const : np.array, optional Values for parameters in plots where held constant. Defaults to minimum evidence. bounds: list of tuples, optional List of tuples for axis boundaries. true_params : dict, optional Dictionary containing parameter names with corresponding true parameter values. Returns ------- axes : np.array of plt.Axes """ n_plots = gp.input_dim shape = (n_plots, n_plots) axes, kwargs = _create_axes(axes, shape, **kwargs) x_evidence = gp.X y_evidence = gp.Y if const is None: const = x_evidence[np.argmin(y_evidence), :] bounds = bounds or gp.bounds cmap ="Blues") for ix in range(n_plots): for jy in range(n_plots): if ix == jy: axes[jy, ix].scatter(x_evidence[:, ix], y_evidence, edgecolors='black', alpha=0.6) axes[jy, ix].get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) axes[jy, ix].yaxis.tick_right() axes[jy, ix].set_ylabel('Discrepancy') axes[jy, ix].yaxis.set_label_position("right") if true_params is not None: axes[jy, ix].plot([true_params[parameter_names[ix]], true_params[parameter_names[ix]]], [min(y_evidence), max(y_evidence)], color='red', alpha=1.0, linewidth=1) axes[jy, ix].axis([bounds[ix][0], bounds[ix][1], min(y_evidence), max(y_evidence)]) elif ix < jy: x1 = np.linspace(bounds[ix][0], bounds[ix][1], resol) y1 = np.linspace(bounds[jy][0], bounds[jy][1], resol) x, y = np.meshgrid(x1, y1) predictors = np.tile(const, (resol * resol, 1)) predictors[:, ix] = x.ravel() predictors[:, jy] = y.ravel() z = gp.predict_mean(predictors).reshape(resol, resol) axes[jy, ix].contourf(x, y, z, cmap=cmap) axes[jy, ix].scatter(x_evidence[:, ix], x_evidence[:, jy], color="red", alpha=0.7, s=5) if true_params is not None: axes[jy, ix].plot([true_params[parameter_names[ix]], true_params[parameter_names[ix]]], [bounds[jy][0], bounds[jy][1]], color='red', alpha=1.0, linewidth=1) axes[jy, ix].plot([bounds[ix][0], bounds[ix][1]], [true_params[parameter_names[jy]], true_params[parameter_names[jy]]], color='red', alpha=1.0, linewidth=1) if ix == 0: axes[jy, ix].set_ylabel(parameter_names[jy]) else: axes[jy, ix].get_yaxis().set_ticklabels([]) axes[jy, ix].axis([bounds[ix][0], bounds[ix][1], bounds[jy][0], bounds[jy][1]]) else: axes[jy, ix].axis('off') if jy < n_plots-1: axes[jy, ix].get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) else: axes[jy, ix].set_xlabel(parameter_names[ix]) return axes def plot_predicted_summaries(model=None, summary_names=None, n_samples=100, seed=None, bins=20, axes=None, add_observed=True, draw_upper_triagonal=False, **kwargs): """Pairplots of 1D summary statistics calculated from prior predictive distribution. Parameters ---------- model: elfi.Model Model which is explored. summary_names: list of strings Summary statistics which are pairplotted. n_samples: int, optional How many samples are drawn from the model. bins : int, optional Number of bins in histograms. axes : one or an iterable of plt.Axes, optional add_observed: boolean, optional Add observed summary points in pairplots draw_upper_triagonal: boolean, optional Boolean indicating whether to draw symmetric upper triagonal part. """ dot_size = kwargs.pop('s', 8) samples = model.generate(batch_size=n_samples, outputs=summary_names, seed=seed) reference_value = model.generate(with_values=model.observed, outputs=summary_names) reference_value = reference_value if add_observed else None plot_pairs(samples, selector=None, bins=bins, axes=axes, reference_value=reference_value, s=dot_size, draw_upper_triagonal=draw_upper_triagonal) class ProgressBar: """Progress bar monitoring the inference process. Attributes ---------- prefix : str, optional Prefix string suffix : str, optional Suffix string decimals : int, optional Positive number of decimals in percent complete length : int, optional Character length of bar fill : str, optional Bar fill character scaling : int, optional Integer used to scale current iteration and total iterations of the progress bar """ def __init__(self, prefix='', suffix='', decimals=1, length=100, fill='='): """Construct progressbar for monitoring. Parameters ---------- prefix : str, optional Prefix string suffix : str, optional Suffix string decimals : int, optional Positive number of decimals in percent complete length : int, optional Character length of bar fill : str, optional Bar fill character """ self.prefix = prefix self.suffix = suffix self.decimals = 1 self.length = length self.fill = fill self.scaling = 0 self.finished = False def update_progressbar(self, iteration, total): """Print updated progress bar in console. Parameters ---------- iteration : int Integer indicating completed iterations total : int Integer indicating total number of iterations """ if iteration >= total: percent = ("{0:." + str(self.decimals) + "f}").\ format(100.0) bar = self.fill * self.length if not self.finished: print('%s [%s] %s%% %s' % (self.prefix, bar, percent, self.suffix)) self.finished = True elif total - self.scaling > 0: percent = ("{0:." + str(self.decimals) + "f}").\ format(100 * ((iteration - self.scaling) / float(total - self.scaling))) filled_length = int(self.length * (iteration - self.scaling) // (total - self.scaling)) bar = self.fill * filled_length + '-' * (self.length - filled_length) print('%s [%s] %s%% %s' % (self.prefix, bar, percent, self.suffix), end='\r') def reinit_progressbar(self, scaling=0, reinit_msg=""): """Reinitialize new round of progress bar. Parameters ---------- scaling : int, optional Integer used to scale current and total iterations of the progress bar reinit_msg : str, optional Message printed before restarting an empty progess bar on a new line """ self.scaling = scaling self.finished = False print(reinit_msg)