Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computation Tolerance Selection

To use ABC-SMC one has to choose the tolerance threshold or acceptance quantiles beforehand to run the method. However, Simola et al. [1] describe an adaptive strategy for selecting the threshold based on density ratios of rejection ABC posteriors. This tutorial teaches you how to use the adaptive threshold selection method.

import numpy as np
# from scipy.stats import norm
import scipy.stats as ss
import elfi
import logging
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde

%matplotlib inline

# Set an arbitrary global seed to keep the randomly generated quantities the same
seed = 10

We reproduce the Example 1 from [1] as a test case for AdaptiveThresholdSMC.

def gaussian_mixture(theta, batch_size=1, random_state=None):
    sigma1 = 1
    sigma2 = np.sqrt(0.01)
    sigmas = np.array((sigma1, sigma2))
    mixture_prob = 0.5
    random_state = random_state or np.random

    scale_array = random_state.choice(sigmas,
                                      p=np.array((mixture_prob, 1-mixture_prob)))
    observation = ss.norm.rvs(loc=theta,

    return observation
yobs = 0
model = elfi.ElfiModel()
elfi.Prior('uniform', -10, 20, name='theta', model=model)
elfi.Simulator(gaussian_mixture, model['theta'], observed=yobs, name='GM')
elfi.Distance('euclidean', model['GM'], name='d');
smc = elfi.SMC(model['d'], batch_size=500, seed=1)
thresholds = [1., 0.5013, 0.2519, 0.1272, 0.0648, 0.0337, 0.0181, 0.0102, 0.0064, 0.0025]
smc_samples = smc.sample(1000, thresholds=thresholds)
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Adaptive threshold selection ABC (elfi.AdaptiveThresholdSMC) can be used in similar fashion as elfi.SMC. One does not need to provide a list of thresholds but user can set densityratio-based termination condition (q_threshold) and a limit for the number of iterations (max_iter).

adaptive_smc = elfi.AdaptiveThresholdSMC(model['d'], batch_size=500, seed=2, q_threshold=0.995)
adaptive_smc_samples = adaptive_smc.sample(1000, max_iter=10)
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We compare visually the approximated posterior and the true posterior, which in this case is available.

def gaussian_mixture_density(theta, sigma_1=1, sigma_2=0.1):
    y = 0.5 * ss.norm.pdf(theta, loc=0, scale=sigma_1) + 0.5 * ss.norm.pdf(theta, loc=0, scale=sigma_2)
    return y
Method: SMC
Number of samples: 1000
Number of simulations: 1352000
Threshold: 0.0025
Sample means: theta: 0.0181

Method: AdaptiveThresholdSMC
Number of samples: 1000
Number of simulations: 49500
Threshold: 0.236
Sample means: theta: -0.042

We compute Kernel density estimates of the posteriors based on the approximate posterior samples and visualise them in a density plot.

smc_posteriorpdf = gaussian_kde(smc_samples.samples_array[:,0])
adaptive_smc_posteriorpdf = gaussian_kde(adaptive_smc_samples.samples_array[:,0])

reference_posteriorpdf = gaussian_mixture_density

xs = np.linspace(-3,3,200)
smc_posteriorpdf.covariance_factor = lambda : .25
adaptive_smc_posteriorpdf.covariance_factor = lambda : .25
plt.legend(('abc-smc', 'adaptive abc-smc', 'reference'));

[1] Simola, U., Cisewski-Kehe, J., Gutmann, M.U. and Corander, J. Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computation Tolerance Selection, Bayesian Analysis 1(1):1-27, 2021